First: Thanks for the info on the rock kicking.
I think that your point here about the very fact that the description of
post-modernism/constructivism/situated cognition/etc. which is then 'torn
down' is not what would be accepted by the side so labeled is right on the
mark. While it might be interpreted in other ways, I see it as an
indication of the incommensurability of the opposing positions. This and
the fact that the resulting logic and conclusions will be different, again
due to this incommensurability, makes the possibility of rapproachment
slim. I agree, too, that this is not generally the result of 'evil
intent'. The realization of this sort of difference with this sort of
explanation makes it difficult to advocate or justify some sort of 'debate'
until someone is 'proved right.' Instead it suggests to me that what is in
order is interactive discussion attempting to get each side to understand
the other (not necessarily agree) to the other's satisfaction. At this
point specific areas of agreement and disagreement can be identified and
members of each group can make their own decisions about it.
Unfortunately this requires tolerance and suspension of judgement, things
some views do not allow or sanction.
Dewey I. Dykstra, Jr. Phone: (208)385-3105
Professor of Physics Dept: (208)385-3775
Department of Physics/SN318 Fax: (208)385-4330
Boise State University dykstrad who-is-at
1910 University Drive Boise Highlanders
Boise, ID 83725-1570 novice piper