Re: Sokal article

Dewey Dykstra, Jr. (dykstrad who-is-at
Thu, 23 May 1996 14:57:32 -0700

>. So how did it get past the editors
>of such a good journal. There is only one term that fits this
>particular situation, coined by Stanley Aronowitz, (and I deeply
>apologize if this offends anybody...there is no other way to get the
>meaning) is "star-fucking". Sokal's article did not get the
>critical reading it should have gotten because he is a famous
>physicist, because he is a star, and you can't question the ideas of such
>a great star. We have developed a tendency in academics to worship
>individuals and not ideas (that are necessarily historically based
>and the result of the collective).
>Michael Glassman
>University of Houston

I am unfamiliar with this particular article, but I can vouch for the fact
that "s...-f....." as described by Aronowitz is just as rampant in the
physics community at a variety of levels as anywhere else. Several
examples from my own experience easily come to mind.

Unfortunately, the professional training in physics is not one that
encourages a critical stance to anything except that which is defined by
the indoctrination as not physics. And, the only sense that the accepted
stance toward what is not physics is critical is in the vernacular version
of "critical" which is in the sense of being negative. ...not negative for
some thought out reason, just negative because it is not physics and thus
beneath physics.

This 'cultural war' has begun to affect the 'hard sciences.' Until
recently they thought this was merely a sign of the weakness of other
disciplines such as English or Sociology, but there are now 'scientists'
questioning the paradigm in science and so the elders feel threatened and
are responding. Interestingly they do not seem to be responding using
ethical methods and standards they would hold themselves to in their own
discipline. This shows their 'clay feet' as quickly and clearly as
anything else.

I'll repeat a paragraph from a previous note of mine here because it is an
example of this point.

>Incidentally a similar, less scholarly, attack on constructivism, lumped
>with post-modernism, can be found in the October 1995 issue (page 8, I
>believe) of The Science Teacher. This attack is authored by Bill Aldridge,
>recently retired Executive Director of the National Science Teachers
>Association. So far the "journal" has refused comments in rebuttal of
>Aldridge's comments. I'd be glad to send anyone a copy of one response
>that was refused by the editor.

PS: To paraphrase "Dr. Science" on NPR (or is it PRI these days) radio:
"I have a degree in _Physics_!" but I will NOT maitain that "I know more
than you." ;^)

Dewey I. Dykstra, Jr. Phone: (208)385-3105
Professor of Physics Dept: (208)385-3775
Department of Physics/SN318 Fax: (208)385-4330
Boise State University dykstrad who-is-at
1910 University Drive Boise Highlanders
Boise, ID 83725-1570 novice piper