Mike: Therese is a member of our discussion list xcsa here in Hamburg.
I have met her in person, too. As I was redirecting some messages about
Dialectics to our list, she got involved in a discussion about Religion
with Jay. She has now joined x-mca to make things easier, should they
continue. But religion seems not to be of interest for other CHAT people
or educators. Or, too dangerous a subject?
In any case, I am not actively engaged in that topic, even though I
would and will discuss Marxism as a kind of religion -- if time permits
once again; it doesn't at present.
XCSA has been founded as eXpanding Completely Serious Amusement with
a subject matter of "how do new media change our selves". It is, as the
name suggests, a list that tries to let us be highly emotional and serious
at the same time. Mostly so-called positive emotions, like excitement and
laughing fits, but also anger, scorn, rage. We have infrequent IRL meets
(In Real Life) to re-tune out common grounding.
The "X" signals that it is an illegimate offspring of the LCHC x-family.
95 % of the notes are in German.
Cheers: Arne.