>Bill and Vera,
>You raise an interesting question about studies of peer
>collaboration--the affective dimension. Most of the work I know about
>ignores affect pretty well because it is experimental and affect is a
>little difficult to manipulate. However, a few studies (I think Shari
>Ellis did one) have included friends and nonfriends as conditions--which
>does include affect as an experimental variable. Also, some of Margarita
>Azmitia's work on expertise and peer tutoring hints at the role of affect
>when novices who have been secretly trained to perform like experts
>attempt to gain some control over the task and are prevented from doing
>so by their partner (who had been the expert in a previous session).
>I find that when I look at individual dyads, the affective dimension
>gains more salience as struggles over dominance as well as attempts to be
>mutually supportive emerge as important aspects of the social interaction
>and the task motives and goals. In one study, I examined each dyad's
>interactions for instances of social support and social interference.
>The supportive interactions predominated throughout but there were some
>notable occurances of interference. However, without doing a detailed
>case study and/or discourse analysis that takes the entire context into
>account, it is often difficult to evaluate the emotional tone of these
>exchanges. For example, in one 4th grade dyad, the boy called his female
>partner "dog face" and she pretended to strangle him with a chain of
>paperclips. Our initial coding of this episode considered this to be
>antagonistic but a more detailed examination showed that they were
>engaged in a preadolescent form of flirting--or so it seemed to us. So
>I'm sceptical about the utility of typical coding systems that aren't
>very sensitive to the broader context or the subtle nuances of discourse
>for characterizing affect.
>Ellice Forman
>On Fri, 3 May 1996 BPenuel who-is-at wrote:
>> Ellice-
>> We had been discussing the often absent accounts of affect in cognitive
>> studies of learning, but I had suggested that some of the peer teaching
>> research partly addresses that issue, and that your work on collaboration
>> might be a resource for people interested in this area.
>> Perhaps you or anyone else knows of some other research on affective
>> dimensions of collaboration?
>> Bill Penuel
>> ______________________
>> PreventionInventions
>> PO Box 40692
>> Nashville TN 37204
>> (615) 297-5923