Re: Issues of Special Populations

carol berkenkotter (cberken who-is-at
Fri, 16 Feb 1996 08:08:15 -0500

Jacques: Thanks very much for the references. And thanks to the
technological marvel of e-mail that makes this kind of inquiry possible.
Carol Berkenkotter

>Dear Carol,
>This is a real interesting and somewhat neglected area touched upon
>by Vygotsky during the last phase of life. Here, I think, Vygotsky's
>paper on 'the psychology and the locations of functions' can be of
>interest to you. Vygotsky wrote the text, which is considered his
>very last, shortly before his death. You can find the English
>translation in the journal Neuropsychologia (3/1965, 381-6), followed
>by an informative article by Luria.
>In this context also Zeigarnik should be mentioned. Her work is
>available in English:
>- Experimental abnormal psychology. Plenum Press, 1972
>- The pathology of thinking. NY: Consultants Bureau, 1965.
>(a recent issue of the Journal of Russian and East European
>Psychology contains a short article on Zeigarnik).
>Jac Haenen
>Van: cberken who-is-at (Carol Berkenkotter)
>Re the use of Vygotsky's work with regard to special populations, I'm
>interested in finding out of anyone on the list is doing work on the
>application of Vygotsky's work to understanding the particular problems
>with the regression/deterioration of conceptual development experienced by
>schizophrenics. Vygotsky worked with 2 American psychologists who visited
>him in the mid-1930's, and then wrote a book, _Thought and Language in
>The interest in Vygotsky's theories in regard to understanding
>schizophrenic individuals particular problems with language and
>communication waned in the next two decades. I'd be interested if knowing
>if anyone on this list knows of work with this special population in Russia
>(or elsewhere) using a Vygotskyan approach.
>Carol Berkenkotter
>>Noel Gregg commented that he would be interested in applications of
>>Vygotsky's work to special populations. Michael Gerber and I will be
>>presenting at a round table on "Vygotskian Perspectives on Early Writing
>>Development: Implications for Students with Learning Disabilities". In
>>this paper we discuss the writing difficulties of students with LD in
>>relationship to Vygotsky's view of the "history of sign development" and
>>his perspectives on the nature of disabilities. An argument will be made
>>for the necessity of incorporating an approach to writing instruction for
>>students with LD that augments what has come to be known as the "writing
>>process approach".
>>Genevieve Manset
>>SUNY Geneseo
>Jacques Haenen
>Utrecht University
>IVLOS Institute of Education
>P.O. Box 80127 tel +31 30 2533400
>NL-3508 TC Utrecht fax +31 30 2532741
>Netherlands email j.haenen who-is-at