>Here's the second part of the list. In a moment I'll refer to a
>book by Mikhail Yaroshevsky, called Lev Vygotsky, published by
>Progress Publishers of Moscow--I picked it up in Russia in 1994,
>and think it's a splendid book. Progress has published a number
>of excellent books in English, including one of Leont'ev's
>classic works, that you can find floating around in libraries.
>But I've never found a way to buy one in the U.S. Does anybody
>know how to purchase them on this continent? I keep hoping that
>an American publisher will work out a contract to distribute
>their books.....
Well Peter your wish is my command-I have been able to locate Yaroshevsky's
book here in the US. It is a small paperback but as the saying goes good
things come in small packages. There is Russian Import store near my home and
they know my interest in Vygotsky very well. They have been able to bring over
a few copies of Yaroshevsky's text as well as Levitin's "One is not born a
personality" both in English. In Russian I have access to copies (a few) to
Vygotsky and Luria's 1993 edition of "Studies on the history of behaviour" and
the 1995 Vygotsky edition of "Problems of Defectology". If you or anyone else
is interested in getting a copy of any of these let me know asap and I could
try to get them and bring them to Chicago.
Steven T. Hardy-Braz, Psy.S., NCSP
School Psychologist