>From Chuck:
> I have been waiting for someone to bring up in this thread on
>play and improvisation LSV's intriguing comment that play involves
>following a rule. My class last term spent quite a time puzzling through
>that one. What do all of you think that LSV nmeans by that, and how does
>it bear on the issues raised in this thread?
> The passage I have been referring to begins on page 94 in Mind in
>Society, in the essay "The Role of Play in Development" with the comment:
> "One could go further and propose that there is no such thing as
>play without rules. The imaginary situation of any form of play already
>contains rules of behavior, although it may not be a game with formulated
>rules laid down in advance. The child imagines himself to be the mother
>and the doll to be the child, so he must obey the rule of maternal behavior."
>The discussion of rules continues for about two pages, but the concept is
>central for the entire chapter.
>Chuck Bazerman
Peter Smagorinsky
University of Oklahoma
College of Education
Department of Instructional Leadership and Academic Curriculum
820 Van Vleet Oval
Norman, OK 73019-0260
fax: (405)325-4061
smagor who-is-at aardvark.ucs.uoknor.edu
psmagorinsky who-is-at uoknor.edu