California State University, Fullerton Conference
March 29-30, 1996
The School of Communications, the Association of Speech Communication
Students, and the CSUF chapter of the National Speech, Language, and Hearing
Association will sponsor a conference on Theory and Research on Communication
and Culture, March 29-30, 1996 (9:00AM-5:00PM). Harry Triandis will present
the plenary address on Saturday May 30 at 9:00 AM. The purpose of the
conference is to provide a forum for faculty and students to interact and
advance our understanding of communication and culture. The conference also
will provide a forum for students and faculty to discuss theorizing and
conducting research on communication and culture.
Complete papers or extended abstracts (e.g., 2-3 pages) on all aspects of
communication and culture are invited (including but not limited to cross-
cultural differences in child language development, communication in the deaf
community, cross-cultural perspectives on communicative competence and
disorder, etc.). Panel proposals also will be considered if extended
abstracts for all papers are included. Four copies of submissions should
arrive by December 15, 1995 and be addressed to Bill Gudykunst or Toya Wyatt,
Department of Speech Communication (EC 199), California State University,
Fullerton, CA 92634. Submitters will be notified of decisions of the
competitive selection process by February 1, 1996 (Note: earlier decisions
will be made, if necessary, especially for international participants).
As part of the conference, three one-half day workshops will be conducted: (1)
Theorizing about Communication and Culture (led by Richard Wiseman), (2)
Conducting Qualitative Research on Communication and Culture (led by Stella
Ting-Toomey), and (3) Conducting Quantitative Research on Communication and
Culture (led by Bill Gudykunst). The workshops will be divided into two
sessions: (1) presentation of information on the topic, and (2) an open
discussion among presenters and attendees. Participants are invited to raise
questions about their work in the discussion sessions.
The conference will be held in Titan Pavilion in the University Center on the
CSUF campus. The registration fee will be $25. This fee will be waived for
all students, and faculty staff at CSUF. Participants wanting to make hotel
reservations can contact the Marriott Hotel on the CSUF campus
(1-800-228-9290) or the Chase Suite Hotel (1-800-79-SUITE), which is two
blocks from campus. Information on getting to the CSUF campus will be
provided with decisions on papers/abstracts. People wanting to attend, but do
not plan to present papers, should contact the Department Secretary at the
above address or call (714) 773-3617 (fax: 714/773-3377) and the information
will be provided.