Flip side

Jay Lemke (JLLBC who-is-at CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU)
Wed, 13 Sep 95 23:59:54 EDT

Having now had the opportunity to catch up on others' self-
descriptions, I wonder if my poetic genre-bending might not
sound somewhat 'flip' and less than serious to those who expect
some more conventional information about the members of this
old/new group.

I was also trying very hard to stay to a single screen, which
many of you will know is not so easy for me, given the way I
think (in linkages).

But I also realize that there is some political information
in these descriptions, and it may be taking too much advantage
of my presumed familiarity to people from the old lists if I
don't mention that I'm long since a full professor, author of
a few books (most recently this year, _Textual Politics:
Discourse and Social Dynamics_; a few years ago, _Talking
Science: Language, Learning, & Values_), and co-Editor of
the journal _Linguistics and Education_. I am one of those
people whose opinion gets sollicited quite often about other
people's work, who gets asked to be a discussant at conferences,
and who gets invited to fly around the world and talk people's
ears off.

What I do could be called social semiotics, critical discourse
analysis, or social theory. My current special interests and
research are on (1) semiotic, including esp. linguistic resources
for the construction of attitudes, values, and identities, and
(2) critical multimedia semiotics, esp. how language and visual
semiotics multiply each other's meaning potential in print genres
and traditions and in computer hypermedia genres and their
possibilities for the future.


City University of New York.