[Xmca-l] Business association and its consequential effect on a nation.

Harshad Dave hhdave15@gmail.com
Tue Jul 17 23:00:31 PDT 2018

 Should we not analyse the consequential effects of business association
between two nations at large difference of their socio economic formation?
Human societies at different places before industrial development were
populated more or less in synchronization of its prevailing socio economic
formation only. Some nations developed with industrial revolution and they
entered into business association/relation with other human societies that
were with assets of natural resources. The above association led to
exploitation of their natural resources and they received the industrial
productions that helped or instigated their population strength only, but
without any appreciable development of their prevailing socio economic
formation. This proves to be the most dangerous condition of a
nation/society where population growth is in folds with the trifle change
in its socio economic formation.
Now this danger is giving its out standing results, if you sharply analyze
root cause of unrest in some of the north African countries, though
superficial reasons are in discussion in media/new papers and among world
leading nations, but in grass root, they got extremely over populated under
the flow of industrial products they received in past without any socio
economic formation change in their social system. If we (developed
countries) are fair, we should analyze present unrest in above perplexity.
I would like to know my friends views on this with a request for the same.

Harshad Dave
​Email: hhdave15@gmail.com​
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