[Xmca-l] Re: ISCAR experiences, reflections, etc

Alfredo Jornet Gil a.j.gil@iped.uio.no
Tue Sep 5 09:57:07 PDT 2017

Yes Martin, I think the same. 
From: xmca-l-bounces@mailman.ucsd.edu <xmca-l-bounces@mailman.ucsd.edu> on behalf of Martin John Packer <mpacker@uniandes.edu.co>
Sent: 05 September 2017 18:38
To: eXtended Mind, Culture, Activity
Subject: [Xmca-l] Re: ISCAR experiences, reflections, etc

Sounds as if it would be good to have a programmed XMCA event at the next ISCAR!  A roundtable, or a cocktail hour… or both!


On Sep 5, 2017, at 10:05 AM, André Machado Rodrigues <rodrigues.am83@gmail.com<mailto:rodrigues.am83@gmail.com>> wrote:

Hi Alfredo,
It is a pity we did not meet during the conference. I think this
overlapping with ERALI has probably prevented some of our colleagues in
Europe to attend ISCAR -- lesson learned. ;)

Jaakko, yes you are right, the next conference will be held in Natal /
Brazil. I am looking forward to seeing you all here. Of course, you are
most welcome.

All your impressions are valuable to organizers of the next conference. I
am one of those 'people that actually lurks into this list'; hence I will
keep track on all relevant feedbacks. Building the conference upon the
previous experiences is very important. In this regard, I was wondering how
people see this experience of *'working group round table*' (wgrt). I'd be
glad to get some feedback on that.

Although, I acknowledge that *perezhivanie* is a sort of "new" trend in
ISCAR. I did not have any opportunity to attend sections that explicitly
address the topic, I know Fernando G. Rey e Nikolay Veresov had a symposium
and a couple of papers on that, but it simultaneous with my own symposium.


André Rodrigues

2017-09-05 6:17 GMT-03:00 Rod Parker-Rees <R.Parker-Rees@plymouth.ac.uk<mailto:R.Parker-Rees@plymouth.ac.uk>>:

Dear Alfredo,

I am sorry I did not get the opportunity to meet you at ISCAR.

The highlight of the conference for me was the opportunity to explore a
wide range of different perspectives on key aspects of cultural-historical
research. The first meeting of the round-table discussion group focusing on
perezhivanie was well attended and somewhat chaotic, as a lot of people set
out their own understanding of the significance of this concept. Here there
was only time for an initial presentation of positions - and the beginnings
of exploration of disagreements but the topic was also addressed in many
paper presentations and the second and third round-table meetings were
smaller, allowing more extensive discussion, which I thought was
particularly valuable in clarifying why perezhivanie is such a useful (and
flexible) concept.

Discussions at the conference illustrated the tensions between those who
seek to defend a core, 'true' meaning (through careful historical analysis
of documents and arguments) and those who want to loosen the boundaries of
what 'counts' as perezhivanie so that the concept can be used in new ways
and in new contexts. Having the opportunity to take conversations forward
beyond initial disagreement helped me to see the 'agreed' meaning
(znachenie) of perezhivanie as a fluid, dynamic product of continuing
interactions - both influencing and influenced by the particular
refractions of individual interpretations (smysl). Our 'own' understanding
is immeasurably enriched by opportunities to encounter and engage with
other people's perspectives - not just what they think and know but also
what they care about! My understanding of the writing of Fernando Gonzalez
Rey, Anna Stetsenko, Barbara Rogoff, Nikolai Veresov and many others will
be informed by what I have learned from seeing ho!
w they present their own understandings but also, in different but
equally important ways, from seeing how they engage with other people and
with other people's ideas.

All the best,


-----Original Message-----
From: xmca-l-bounces@mailman.ucsd.edu<mailto:xmca-l-bounces@mailman.ucsd.edu> [mailto:xmca-l-bounces@
mailman.ucsd.edu<http://mailman.ucsd.edu/>] On Behalf Of Alfredo Jornet Gil
Sent: 02 September 2017 19:36
To: eXtended Mind, Culture, Activity <xmca-l@mailman.ucsd.edu<mailto:xmca-l@mailman.ucsd.edu>>
Subject: [Xmca-l] ISCAR experiences, reflections, etc

Dear all,

I am still at Tampere, where the EARLI conference finished today, just one
day after ISCAR ended. Unfortunately, I committed to attending both
conferences and could only be the first days in Quebec. Still, I was
fortunate enough to catch up with many colleagues, to share some of my
work, and get to hear about that of many others that are doing great things
around the globe.

One (not so) surprising discovery I made was the huge amount of people
that actually lurks into this list, but who nonetheless very seldom if ever
write (whether for lack of time to delve into the sometimes quite long
posts/themes, or simply because they prefer to read than write). We all
knew and had talked about this, but it was quite remarkable the amount of
people I met (not only in ISCAR, but also here in Europe (EARLI).

So, now that I have met some of you, and that you have got to see and hear
more of ISCAR than those of us who had to leave earlier or could not join
at all. What was your highlight of the congress and why? It would be lovely
if some of you would take a step forward and tell us a bit of what you
found most interesting, what you found was missing, what you found should
have not been.

In can be the first: One of my favourite moments was listening to Fernando
G. Rey present without slides or any other device, passionately talking
about child development and claiming, "... for the first need of the child
is that of contact with other people"... I also very much enjoyed seeing
Mike in a several meters wide screen commenting on Engeström's Keynote,
rising the longest ovation I got to hear during my brief three days in

These are just anecdotes, but I would love if you could tell us more on
how it went for you, what you found there, for us who could not be there. I
think it would be very much appreciated by many, while we get the time to
have a look at the issue on unit analysis, and prepare the discussion on
the article from the last (third) MCA issue.


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