[Xmca-l] Re: About 「hope 」 in socio-cultural research

Greg Thompson greg.a.thompson@gmail.com
Sun Aug 24 14:09:26 PDT 2014

You should check out Lois Holzman's work (Vygotsky at Work and Play would
be a very good place for you to start). She is working with a population in
New York City that is roughly equivalent to the population that you are

I suspect that she might shy away from the word "hope" for fear that hope
itself can be an empty thing (as in a palliative "false hope"). I think she
would probably prefer to speak of something like "possibilities of
becoming".  But I'd rather hear from her on this matter since I'm just
making this up in the hope that she bring some of her wisdom to this thread.


On Sun, Aug 24, 2014 at 8:57 AM, 陳 晶晶 <chenjingjing007@hotmail.co.jp> wrote:

> Dear XMAL community:
> My name is Jingjing Chen, a graduate student of doctoral program  in
> department of Psychology.I am sending this email to search for some help.
> I am interested in the development of hope among high school students
> (especially whom is studying in a vocational high school , where most
> students are from poor disadvantaged family in Japan.)Previous research
>  are more like viewing  hope as a cognitive and individual ingredient,
> while I am trying to describe it using socio-cultural approach.
> I am still looking for  more information about hope research, so any
> published work about hope or any relational research will be very helpful
> for me.It will also be a great honor and pleasure if anyone can give me
> suggestion about my project.
> Thank you for your attention.All the best wishes.
> sincerelyJingJing
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> JingJing Chen
> Doctoral Program in Psychology,
> Graduate School of Comprehensive Human
> Sciences,
> University of Tsukuba
> E-mail:s1330355@u.tsukuba.ac.jp
> E-mail:chenjingjing007@hotmail.co.jp
> ------------------------------------------------------------------

Gregory A. Thompson, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Anthropology
882 Spencer W. Kimball Tower
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602

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