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LCHC Publications
Mind, Culture, and Activity Journal
Description and Subscription Information
• The lab was awarded the 2010 American Educational Research Association's Sylvia Scribner Award. Several generations of members from the lab gave a collective talk for the occasion at the AERA conference in Denver, 2010. Slides and text from this talk are available here
A Model System for the Study of Learning Difficulties, LCHC. July 1982
Cognition as a Residual Category in Anthropology, 1978
Contextual Factors in Education:
Improving science and mathematics education for minorities and women,
Mike Cole, Peg Griffin, LCHC, 1987.
Cross-Cultural Psychology's Challenges to Our Ideas of Children and Development, 1979
Culture and Cognitive Development
Kids and Computers, A Positive Vision of the Future, 1989
Memory Span for Nouns, Verbs, and Function Words in Low SES
SRCD Newsletter, Winter 1988
Contributions of Cross-Cultural Research to Educational Practice, 1986
What's Cultural About Cross-Cultural Cognitive Psychology? 1979