What are the main findings of this study? In a simplified and condensed manner, the findings may be presented as the following set of categories.

1. The category of activity, expressed in the form of the triangular models depicted in Figures 2.4 - 2.7.

2. The category of learning activity, or learning by expanding, expressed in the form of the triangular models depicted in Figures 2.11 and 2.12.

3. The reinterpreted and extended category of the zone of proximal development, corresponding to the sequential structure of learning by expanding, expressed in the cyclic model depicted in Figure 3.3.

4. The categorical framework for identifying and analyzing historical types of activity systems and expansive transitions, depicted in Figure 4.9.

5. The categorical framework for identifying and analyzing instruments of learning by expanding, elaborated in Tables 4.5 - 4.8.

6. The outline of a methodology for expansive developmental research, summarized in Figure 5.3.

It is the nature of theoretical research that the categories found do not corroborate, verify or falsify themselves. This kind of research resembles an expedition. When Columbus returned from his expedition, he claimed he had found India. The categorical content of this claim was erroneous, yet his findings initiated an unforeseen expansive cycle of practical and conceptual development.

Analogously, I am sure the contents of the categories found in this study will be proven inadequate many times over. The real question is, will they become instrumental in bringing about and mastering expansive cycles in different levels and branches of theoretical and practical activity.