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[Xmca-l] FW: ISCAR 2014 - Supplementary Call for Abstracts

From: ISCAR2014 Secretariat [mailto:iscar2014@icmsaust.com.au]
Sent: Monday, October 28, 2013 1:48 AM
To: Peter Smagorinsky
Subject: ISCAR 2014 - Supplementary Call for Abstracts

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In this issue:

  *   Supplementary Call For Abstracts
  *   Registration Now Open
  *   Pre-Conference Workshops

  *   Sponsorship
  *   Key Dates
  *   Contact Us

Supplementary Call For Abstracts

In response to numerous requests the ISCAR2014 Committee has agreed to add an additional Call for Abstracts opening 15 November 2013 and closing 11 December 2013 to accommodate those participants whose research findings were not complete in September 2013.

The abstract program is an integral part of the Congress, it contributes to building the body of knowledge of cultural activity research in a relevant and meaningful way and supports the work of young career researchers.

All accepted presenters will have the opportunity to showcase their research to their peers in an international forum, seeking input and testing theories. In addition, all abstracts will be published in the Congress abstract book which will form a lasting legacy of the Congress.

Further details will be on the website<http://www.iscar2014.com> in November 2013.

Registration Now Open

Registration is now open for the 4th International Society for Cultural and Activity Research Congress

[Click here to submit your abstract]<http://www.iscar2014.com/registration.html>

All fees are quoted in Australian Dollars (AUD) and are inclusive of 10% GST.

Early Bird Rate
Before 11 June 2014

Standard Rate
After 11 June 2014

Onsite Rate
After 23 September 2014

Member Full Registration




Non Member Full Registration




Member Student Full Registration




Non Member Student Full Registration




Registration entitlements

  *   Entry to all congress sessions and exhibition 30 September to 3 October
  *   Ticket to the Welcome Reception 30 September
  *   Morning and afternoon teas 30 September to 3 October
  *   Lunches 30 September to 3 October
  *   Congress satchel
  *   Congress materials including congress program book

PRE-Conference Workshops

PhD Day

PhD students are invited to send proposals that correspond to one of the congress topics. Two types of proposals will be accepted: posters and dialogue papers (see more information on Proposal Submission for the PhD Students' Day at Congress web-site). In the PhD Students' Day special attention will be given to the PhD thesis, focusing on the different phases of doctoral research. There will be spaces/times for dialogues, presentations and debates, including the participation of Senior Researchers that will discuss parts of PhD students' work and provide some suggestions. For instance, the opportunity of discussing data analysis will be given to doctoral students who have already collected their empirical data. There are also parallel sessions, in small groups.

This PhD Students' Day is the second organized by ISCAR (first was at Roma 2011 ISCAR Congress). PhD students are invited to develop further suggestions for the next PhD Students' Day (in 2017), and to send us some feedback after the Roma 2011 event. We hope that all those who will participate will be deeply engaged in this process and will participate actively in the sessions.

At least 5 Senior Researchers will be invited to chair the various sessions and participate in the PhD Dialogues. Their names will be announced soon.

For further information, please contact PhD Day Organizing Committee Chair Gloria Quinones<mailto:gloria.quinones@monash.edu>.

Registration entitlements

  *   Entry to sessions on 29 September
  *   Morning and afternoon tea 29 September
  *   Lunch 29 September
  *   Materials


Pre-Congress Event for CHACDOC section (Cultural-Historical Approaches to Children's Development and Childhood) of ISCAR.

The purpose of the CHACDOC section under ISCAR is to create a forum for researchers who are interested in both cultural-historical research approach and activity theory as a way to unite developmental psychology and childhood research in their research about children. Developmental psychology has often been characterised historically as the study of 'the general child', with a focus on developing a model that can be used to evaluate individual children and their changing relation to society as they grow up. Childhood studies have focused on the study of children anchored in historical time and settings; such approaches are more commonly found within anthropological and sociological traditions, especially those that focus on situated and localised practice with children. Cultural-historical approaches seek to unite the general principles in relation to historical time and place.

This pre-congress event is the fifth scientific event of the CHACDOC section under ISCAR and is open to everybody interested (CHACDOC members, PhD students with a special interest in CHACDOC and everybody else).

The focus of the Sydney CHACDOC day is imagination and creativity. Vygotsky (2004) wrote that "One of the most important areas of child and educational psychology is the issue of creativity in children, the development of this creativity and its significance to the child's general development and maturation" (p. 11). The relations between imagination and creativity were noted by Vygotsky in not just the arts, but also in science. He found significance of the dialectical relations between imagination and creativity in children's play, the theatre, literature, fairytales, and even in technology. How imagination is crystalised into reality as a creation was also discussed in context of the concept of perezhivanie. The dialectical concept of imagination and creativity is far reaching, and as such we invite interested scholars to attend the pre-Congress CHACDOC in order to progress this concept further, an to share in dialogue and presentation on this concept.

Vygotsky, L.S. (2004). Imagination and creativity in childhood. Journal of Russian and East European Psychology, 42 (1), 7-97.

CHADOC Section: Professor Mariane Hedegaard
Organiser for pre-Congress event: Monash University

Registration entitlements

  *   Entry to sessions on 29 September
  *   Morning and afternoon tea 29 September
  *   Lunch 29 September
  *   Materials


Congress Supporter


The 4th Congress of the International Society for Cultural and Activity Research (ISCAR 2014) Organising Committee welcomes you to consider involvement as a sponsor or exhibitor at the upcoming congress.

ISCAR 2014 hopes to attract 400 delegates made up of researchers from a variety of disciplines such as social sciences, humanities, education and health, as well as commerce, information systems, and knowledge management. We will welcome delegates and institutional representatives from more than 70 countries.

We can offer a range of exposure for sponsors or exhibitors and more detail can be found in our prospectus below.

Click here<http://www.iscar2014.com/d/ISCAR2014_Prospectus.pdf> for the ISCAR 2014 prospectus.


Click here<http://www.iscar2014.com/d/Terms_Conditions.pdf> for the ISCAR 2014 terms and conditions.

For any queries or to secure your exposure at ISCAR 2014 please contact our Sponsorship and Exhibition Account Manager:

ISCAR 2014 Sponsorship and Exhibition Secretariat
Thomas Howden
Sponsorship and Exhibition Account Manager
Level 9, 234 George Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Tel: 02 9254 5000
Email: thomash@icmsaust.com.au<mailto:thomash@icmsaust.com.au?Subject=ISCAR2014%20Sponsorship%20Enquiry%20via%20Ezine%202...>

Key Dates

Early Bird Registration Rate Closes

11 June 2014

Standard Registration Rate Closes

23 September 2014


29 September - 3 October 2014

Contact Us

[ICMS Australasia]<http://icmsaust.com.au/>

Congress Secretariat
ICMS Australasia Pty Ltd
GPO Box 3270
Sydney NSW 2001

Telephone: +61 (0) 9254 5000
Fax: +61 (0) 9251 3552
Email: info@iscar2014.com<mailto:info@iscar2014.com?Subject=ISCAR2014%20General%20Enquiry...>

If you do not wish to receive further email news about this event from the Conference Secretariat, click here<mailto:info@iscar2014.com?Subject=ISCAR2014%20Unsubscribe%20|%20smago@uga.edu%20> and let us know.

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