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[Xmca-l] Re: for those dissatisfied with the current state of peer review

In all likely hood Academia.edu peer review will be ignored. I am intrigued
by the idea of open source peer review and find academica.edu very useful
as a new scholar. The SEO on academia gets my work out there.


It seems that basing the reviews on the clout of reviewers is open to even
greater bias than traditional peer review. Is clout going to be determined
within academia.edu so more active users are ranked higher? Will it base it
on JIF which we know can often have inherent bias (San Francisco
Deceleration on Research Assessment) and reinforce the Matthew effect. Will
using just the "top scientists" w mean that female and scholars of color
will not have an equal voice?

Algorithms are usually proprietary and secret. I hope Academia.edu is

On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 3:37 PM, Peter Smagorinsky <smago@uga.edu> wrote:

> I find the traditional peer review system to work fine, but I know others
> don't. so.....
> http://news.cnet.com/8301-11386_3-57608751-76/academia.edu-acquires-plasmyd-to-let-peers-review-papers/

J. Gregory McVerry, PhD
Assistant Professor
Southern Connecticut State University
twitter: jgmac1106
Status: O