Thanks Elizabeth (PDF attached).That gives us the Kuhnian story (with an ethical twist) of why neuroscience required a fixed machine for its discipline and how the paradigm shift occurred, but what is missing is how it was that outside of the discipline others knew that the brain changed. This is what intrigues me. How a discipline can maintain a fiction about its own object of study whilst outside the discipline people know it is a fiction. I am presuming it has a lot to do with the sociology of science and the status of the various sciences. But I will see if I can find something.
Andy Elizabeth Fein wrote:
Tobias Rees has a wonderful article in American Ethnologist ("Being Neurologically Human Today: Life and Science and Adult Cerebral Plasticity - An Ethical Analysis" Volume 37, Issue 1, pages 150–166) that talks about the "regime of fixity" in neuroscience, and the way this story of the brain has been maintained over the years and is now being challenged.Elizabeth Fein, Ph.D. University of Chicago Department of Comparative Human DevelopmentPostdoctoral Fellow, SociAbility (847) ---- Original message ----Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2012 12:44:10 +1000From: (on behalf of Andy Blunden<>)Subject: [xmca] Plasticity and Physiotherapy To: "eXtended Mind, Culture, Activity" <>ofOn the theme of empirical evidence and the latest discoveriesneuroscience, this is one which has intrigued me, especiallysince itbecame personal. So far as I know, physiotherpists have knownfor atleast two generations that brain damage can be repaired byphysicalexercise. But this scientific, empirical knowledge,coexisted, at leastin some countries, with a dogma taught in school biologyclasses, that"no new brain cells are created after age X," making a totalmystery(SFAICS) of all manner of learning processes which everyoneknows about >from daily experience. Then we hear from the tribunes of advancedneuroscience, armed with all sorts of advanced brain imagingequipment,about "brain plasiticity" and what lowly physiotherpists knowabout withtheir own hands and patients knew about with their ownexperience ofrehabilitation, became a new scientific discovery solelybecause(SAFAICS) it was expressed in the language of "the latestdiscoveries ofneuroscience." On the plus side Norman Doigue's campaign hashad apsychological impact on people undergoing rehabilitation, bygiving thestamp of neuroscientific approval to the physiotherapists'work andthis area thatgiving renewed hope.Is there anyone who knows about the history of science incan explain how this fiction was maintained? Andy -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------*Andy Blunden* Joint Editor MCA: Home Page: Book: __________________________________________ _____ xmca mailing list
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