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[xmca] Fwd: [COGDEVSOC] Professorship at the University of Cambridge

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Michelle Ellefson, PhD <mre33@cam.ac.uk>
Date: Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 4:23 AM
Subject: [COGDEVSOC] Professorship at the University of Cambridge
To: cogdevsoc@list.mail.virginia.edu

Dear Colleagues,

Please find below a short summary and link to further information for a new
Professorship at the University of Cambridge. Please feel free to circulate
to any potential applicants.


*Professorship in Education (Psychology of Education), **University of

The Cambridge Faculty of Education is a leading centre for psychology in
education in the United Kingdom and seeks to appoint a high quality
international scholar who will provide academic leadership in this
field.  Candidates
should have relevant psychological qualifications and an established
international reputation, with a commensurate funded research and
publications profile. This is a permanent appointment.

Further particulars can be found at:

Michelle Ellefson, PhD

University Lecturer in Psychology & Education
Course Manager: Education Tripos
*University of Cambridge Faculty of Education*

email: mre33@cam.ac.uk
phone: (+44)  (0)1223 767684
web: www.educ.cam.ac.uk/people/staff/ellefson
INSTRUCT web: http://sites.google.com/site/instructlab/

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