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[xmca] Current edition of Theory & Psychology
- To: "eXtended Mind, Culture, Activity" <xmca@weber.ucsd.edu>
- Subject: [xmca] Current edition of Theory & Psychology
- From: Andy Blunden <ablunden@mira.net>
- Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2011 01:41:15 +1100
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The current edition of Theory & Psychology looks very special. I admit I
have at this stage only actually read the article by Mike Cole, Robert
Lecusay and Deborah Downing-Wilson, but it is a special issue on CHAT
and interventionist methodology, with articles by a number of people
from Yrjo Engestrom's CRADLE and also Falk Seeger, who is guest editing
the Special Issue of MCA on Emotions.
Mike's article elaborates on what the participants call a "mutual
appropriation" approach to developing theory and practice. Instead of
implementing a project design and then modifying it in the light of the
reseacher's experience, the researchers go in to a local community with
very open ended ideas about how and what they want to achieve, and
engage with their community partner, learn about their (the partner's)
project, offer assistance and resources and share knowledge and
objectives and .... mutually appropriate. The article describes the
results of a specific project which is an exemplar of "mutual
appropriation" which has grown out of the 5thD after-school programs
which LCHC began in the 1980s.
The article is actually very moving. I personally think that this kind
of work is tackling the main problem in front of us cultural-historical
cultural psychology people today. If you don't subscribe to Theory &
Psychology, I don't know how you can get to read the paper. Maybe
someone has a solution there. But it is a must read. I will read the
remaining articles in the special issue, but this is a real high.
*Andy Blunden*
Joint Editor MCA: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/hmca20/18/1
Home Page: http://home.mira.net/~andy/
Book: http://www.brill.nl/default.aspx?partid=227&pid=34857
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