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Re: [xmca] Article for Discussion

The answer to your question, Andy, is that you should ask if we can post the
williams article for discussion in papers for discussion. After we discuss
Fernando's paper, we could turn to it. I agree, its very relevant, taking up
the Lave-McDermott Marx-->Learning paper from Outlines (I think) and arguing
for use value in education.

As to Fernando's paper, I have a different view.

Roughly, I interpret him as arguing that the focus on the period when LSV et
al were doing "instrumental" psychology, the instrumentalism involved
reductions that had unfortunate consequences but it was this aspect/period
of the work that English speakers focused on. The ties to Dewey here are
obvious and behaviorism ditto
(Skinner was in many ways following the lessons of his interpretation of

Fernando, reading the outpouring of materials in English sees what he thinks
is a narrow focus and seeks to counter by pointing backward toward Psych of
art and forward to the late work. So, rather than focus on periodization,
wouldn't it be more
productive to focus on the extent to which the middle period which
interested us so
much, perhaps because it was more easily assimilable (for which see passim
all the criticism you care to read on the topic!) fails to orient us to the
issues that Larry and others have been focusing on?


On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 7:46 AM, Andy Blunden <ablunden@mira.net> wrote:

> Mike, I've been reading this article by Fernando Gonzales Rey, but I really
> am not interested in discusssing it. His periodisation of Vygotsky does
> nothing for me. I mean, to describe Vygotsky's view of the development of
> higher psychological functionse, as "objectivist" and some kind of
> regression from the period before he wrote "Historical Crisis", which puts
> him in the same basket as Behaviourism,  is just so remote from how I read
> Vygotsky, I would rather just bow out of the discussion. I admit, I stopped
> reading before I got through reading Rey on this period in which Vygotsky
> apparently went backwards.
> Any chance we could squeeze two articles out of Taylor & Francis for
> discussion? I would like to see a discussion about Julian Williams' effort
> to connect up a critique of formal education and Marx's analysis of
> capitalism and commodity production. Could we have two going at the same
> time?
> Andy
> mike cole wrote:
>> M
>> On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 6:35 PM, Andy Blunden <ablunden@mira.net <mailto:
>> ablunden@mira.net>> wrote:
>>    Mike, you forgot to cc us all, but is the cc above still right for
>>    Fernando?
>>    andy
>>    mike cole wrote:
>>>    Fernando Rey on turning points in Vygotsky's thinking was selected in
>>> a last
>>>    minute rush of votes. I am having the article posted for all the world
>>> to read, but meantime, see attached.
>>>    The author, currrently living in Brasilia, is cc'ed.
>>>    mike
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