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Re: [xmca] Re: Mentoring

That would be great, Huw! I'll put you in touch with our local folks by
separate mail.

Etienne Pelaprat and Ivan Rosero are in charge of the lchc web page
makeover. I will cc them on this note. Both are in Europe at the moment, but
returning next week. We suffered a major disappoint and delay last year when
the person charged with upgrading flaked after 10 months


On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 2:39 PM, Huw Lloyd <huw.softdesigns@gmail.com>wrote:

> On 10 July 2011 19:18, mike cole <lchcmike@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Well, Andy, the catch to using xmca as a mentoring match up system is that
>> no matter who does the low tech version someONE has to do it (Tammy and I
>> spent a couple of sessions trying to figure out a rational way to do the
>> connecting up and it was quite difficult- we did not like the outcome) --
>> .
>> >From my experience trying, we really need a mini-market system that is
>> regulated in a very light handed way or we fail. Some open software social
>> networking app should do the job or be modifiable quickly to do the job.
> I could set something up for you, if you wish.
> Even improved access to the current xmca mail would be useful -- it would
> have saved me a 3 gig fetch in order to search the archived mail.  :)
> Huw
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