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[xmca] FW: CfP (ILinC)

Dear colleague,

Please find attached the 2nd call for papers for the upcoming ILinC at Queen's University Belfast.  If possible, could you please forward the call for papers to staff members and postgraduate students at your institution?

Many thanks,
1st ILinC Organizing Committee


Queen's University Belfast is pleased to announce its 1st Interdisciplinary Linguistics Conference (ILinC), a student-led venture to take place on 14-15 October 2011 (Friday and Saturday).  This two-day conference is designed to offer participants a stimulating and friendly forum in which they may present and discuss their research findings.  Additionally, the event aims at bringing together researchers from different academic divisions carrying out language studies in order to foster cross-disciplinary contact.

This year's conference theme is "Crossing Boundaries: The Impact of Language Studies in Academia and Beyond".  We therefore seek to look into the role played by language studies both within the academic scenario and outside it, paying special attention to the relevance of current language research findings to society in general.

The following distinguished scholars have confirmed their participation at the conference:
*         Prof. Deborah Cameron (University of Oxford);
*         Prof. Michael Halliday (University of Sydney);
*         Prof. Ruqaiya Hasan (Macquarie University).

We invite researchers (both students and staff members) working in the broad area of language studies to submit abstracts for oral and poster presentations based on the (non-exhaustive) list of areas below:

*         Applied linguistics;

*         Classroom discourse;

*         Corpus linguistics;

*         Critical discourse analysis;

*         Discourse analysis;

*         Genre analysis;

*         Language change;

*         Language policy;

*         Language teaching/learning;

*         Linguistic and cultural imperialism;

*         Multimodality;

*         Phonetics/phonology;

*         Pragmatics;

*         Semantics;

*         Sociolinguistics;

*         Syntax;

*         Stylistics.

Submission guidelines
Proposals should be submitted via EasyAbs available at http://go.qub.ac.uk/ilinc2011, following the guidelines below:

1.       Abstracts should be 300 words long (maximum) and should clearly indicate the research question/objective, literature review, methodology, results and conclusions (without any subheadings).

2.       The DOC file to be submitted via the online facility should be formatted as such:

a.       The first line should specify the title, which must be centralized, in bold, and in capital letters.

b.      After skipping a line, the abstract should be typed, containing a maximum of 300 words.  Citations should be included as deemed necessary, but there is no need to include full references at the end of the abstract.

c.       Please do not use any foot/endnotes and avoid unusual symbols (such as phonetic transcriptions) which may be changed in electronic communication.

Key dates

*         Abstract submission deadline: 8 July 2011

*         Notification of reviewers' decision: 15 August 2011

*         Presenters' registration deadline: 26 August 2011

*         Conference: 14-15 October 2011

It is expected that a selection of the papers presented at the conference will be published in an edited collection.  Further information will be disclosed in due course.

Further information

*         Site: http://go.qub.ac.uk/1stILinC

*         E-mail address: ilinc@qub.ac.uk<mailto:ilinc@qub.ac.uk>


*         School of Education (Queen's University Belfast)

*         School of English (Queen's University Belfast)

*         School of Languages, Literatures and Performing Arts (Queen's University Belfast)

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