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[xmca] FW: XMCA

From: STANTON E.F. WORTHAM [mailto:stantonw@upenn.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2011 8:34 PM
To: Peter Smagorinsky
Subject: XMCA


The XMCA server does not like me.  Although I get the emails, I cannot post.  Would you be willing to send the following to the list?



We are searching for two colleagues at Penn GSE.  The first is a junior tenure track job, with the deadline in early October.  You can see this at http://www.gse.upenn.edu/faculty_research/positions

The second is a bit more unusual.  It is for an educational scholar who works in foundations of education, who might take a partly administrative job.  We are creating these new positions that are part administrator (doing a lot of what department chairs do) and part teacher/advisor for students.  The job would not be appropriate for a person who really wants to be a researcher -- we don't mind research, of course, but the job will require significant time for the administrative and teaching work.  But we would like a smart person who knows the field and also has excellent administrative skills.  Probably someone who is already local, though we'd consider other qualified people.

The direct website is at https://jobs.hr.upenn.edu/applicants/jsp/shared/frameset/Frameset.jsp?time=1306338052074, or just google jobs@penn and look for the staff listings.  The job reference number is 110530641.

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