We also did not write about the transition to adulthood at what used
to be called the beginning of adulthood, a frought notion indeed.
There is not a large literature on that topic which is only
pre-figured in the first edition of our textbook when we were allowed
to include a life-span treatment of development.
On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 10:42 PM, Andy Blunden <ablunden@mira.net
<mailto:ablunden@mira.net>> wrote:
Apologies Gregory. I slipped a note about Vygotsky in the middle
of my commentary on Cole, whereas in fact, Mike did not refer to
Vygotsky in this chapter.
Culpa mia.
Gregory Allan Thompson wrote:
Ivo and Andy,
Also in the adolescence section of Mike's textbook is
reference to William Damon. He has a wonderful 3-D graphic of
the development of self-concept from infancy through adolescence.
His writings on moral development are quite good too. The
major point that I always appreciate is that moral development
should not be considered separately from development of
self-concept (Andy, you might appreciate the way in which
development of self-understanding and development of social
understanding are caught up with each other - the development
of an I that is We?).
Although I don't recall any explicit reference to Vygotsky, he
draws on an Vygotsky's kin (according to some), the American
pragmatists James Mark Baldwin and William James.
Damon and Hart 1992. Self-understanding and its role in social
and moral development. In Lamb, M. and Bornstein, M. (Eds.)
Developmental Psychology: An advanced textbook. pp. 421-464.
Graphic is on p. 433.
I'm happy to share a copy directly but prefer not to
distribute widely.
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*Andy Blunden*
Joint Editor MCA:
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