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[xmca] CHAT-AR: Seth's Table

 Hello Monica and all,

I thought that your comment reflects  dilemmas of knowing 'for whom'? Which is so difficult.

Who initiates and how it is initiated is not necessarily a unitarysubjectivity and can change in the situation. How the initial interaction isperceived can be influenced by many aspects especially cultural convention.

 Mike's comment
When working with local communities, the balancing of responsibility for thejoint activity is an ongoing and major concern. I take Yrjo's focus on themethod of dual stimulation in the Change Lab as a way of providing the"other" (postal workers, medical workers, etc.) with agency.... to becometheir instrument."

I find makes sense of how systems modelling in action research proceeds too, yet there are a  variety of priorities in how to achieve collaboration.
The roots of dual stimulation seem to emerge from laboratory setting thinking, as a way of capturing internal thinking processes,seen here:

http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=WTwtCvpYw60C&pg=PA46&lpg=PA46&dq=dual+stimulation+vygotsky&source=bl&ots=LST-Jg2HXZ&sig=Iq3IF9UNjrYrkekV1HIFOwN_uQU&hl=en&ei=wrTLTePCKImV8QPN6-SgBA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CBwQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=dual stimulation vygotsky&f=false 

but in practice settings this purpose is not the same. I found the historical insight from Andy valuable here, as I was  wondering about the contributions and transitions that have been achieved in the years since Lewin and Vygotsky. to studying in life situations. And the widening of PAR to distinguish roots from Freire and Whyte also.

The questions I have at the moment are about using a notion of 'system'  as an as- yet- uninscribed concept to develop local understandings; or another 'contentful abstraction' in Davidov's terms. What is gained and lost with different  assumptions  about germ cell relations - in relation to questioning  practices - are worked with?

After the gaps are posited in table 3 there is a comment about 'a moment in practice' , 
"Points 3 through 5 in Figure 1 become more meaningful when social scientific research is viewed
as a moment in practice. By putting practice in the centre, the oppositions in Figure 2 dissolve
while avoiding the separation that arises from a primary focus on laws within practices."

I understand this to be where those involved and related in actuality , manage to co-ordinate differently in some way through acquiring together thinking skills about what they are realising as practice.
 For me part of that achievement makes sense as dual stimulation, but there are many questions of how conscious awareness of  this is shared, to be  brought about. Also the researcher- initiator responsibility  to question  these principles seems be  in the  'for whom?'
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