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[xmca] new Vygotsky book
[Vygotsky in 21st Century Society: Advances in Cultural Historical Theory and Praxis with Non-Dominant Communities]<http://www.amazon.com/gp/reader/1433111179/ref=sib_dp_pt#reader-link>
Vygotsky in 21st Century Society: Advances in Cultural Historical Theory and Praxis with Non-Dominant Communities [Paperback]
Spencer Salas<http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=ntt_athr_dp_sr_1?_encoding=UTF8&sort=relevancerank&search-alias=books&field-author=Spencer%20Salas> (Author, Editor), Pedro R. Portes<http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=ntt_athr_dp_sr_2?_encoding=UTF8&sort=relevancerank&search-alias=books&field-author=Pedro%20R.%20Portes> (Author, Editor)
* Paperback: 296 pages
* Publisher: Peter Lang Publishing; First printing edition (April 11, 2011)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 1433111179
* ISBN-13: 978-1433111174
* Pedro R. Portes is Executive Director of CLASE and Professor of Educational and Counseling Psychology at the University of Georgia, where he is the Goizueta Chair for Latino Teacher Education. He is the author of Dismantling Educational Inequality: A Cultural Historical Approach to Equity and Excellence in Education.
* Spencer Salas is Assistant Professor in the Department of Middle, Secondary, and K12 Education at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

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