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Re: [xmca] zpd zbr zedpd and zoped

I'll respond to your question about the meaning of "ur," Steve.

"Ur-" is a prefix that is used in German, actually. It has been around since the year dot in German, but it has become a bit of a fad recently for English speakers. Ur- is a prefix which means original or prototypical. I mostlly know it from Goethe's idea of /Urphaenomen/ which is the original of Vygotsky's "unit of analysis", should I say, the Urunit? This is because of Goethe/Hegel/Marx/Vygotsky's idea that in order to understand some complex process as a whole (i.e. a /Gestalt/) then you have to begin with the simplest unit of it, it's germ or cell. So the reference is to an (artefact-mediated) action as the ur- of psychology and cultivated human life.

Does that help, Steve?


Steve Gabosch wrote:
... "Generalizing Dual Stimulation.
* The ur characteristic of higher psychologically (culturally mediated) human action is that it operates indirectly, through the environment. * DS method is the ur model of human action incorporates the environment as tools for action. But it must be generalized into group as well as individual circumstances."

Mike urges the non-Russians at the conference to ask their fellow Russian attendees what 'ur' means.

So - to our fellow Russian speakers - what does 'ur' mean in Mike's slide?

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