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[xmca] Vygotsky conference Moscow Nov 15 to 18

Dot asked me to forward this information about the upcoming Vygotsky conference in Moscow, to be held Nov 15 thru 18, 2010. The .doc file is attached, and the text is copied below.

Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation

Russian State University for the Humanities

Vygotsky Institute of Psychology

International Vygotsky society

Vygotsky Fund

Dear colleagues!

We are inviting you to take part in XI International Readings dedicated to the memory of L.S.Vygotsky “The Zone of Proximal Development in Theoretical and Practical Psychology”.

The conference will take place in the L.S.Vygotsky Institute of Psychology of Russian University for the Humanities in Moscow from 15 November till 18 November 2010.

Invited speakers:

Kravtsova E.E. (Russia)

Kravtsov G.G. (Russia)

Zinchenko Ju. P. (Russia)

Asmolov A.G. (Russia)

Mariane Hedegaard (Denmark)

It is planned during the conference to discuss plenty of issues, referring to applying Zone of proximal development to educational practice, to psychotherapy and correctional work, regarding it as a tool of professional development, using it in rehabilitation and assisting deviant/delinquent teenagers.
It is particularly aimed to consider the items, connected with  
measuring the “size” of ZPD, “enlarging” its boarders, relating it to  
the actual developmental status.

Within the framework of XI International Vygotsky Readings different viewpoints will be proposed concerning the developmental perspectives of cultural-historical psychology as well as applying the ZPD as a methodological background for understanding and researching psychological problems.

Content of the conference includes following directions:

1. Zone of proximal development in theoretical and practical psychology;
2.     Zone of proximal development: ontogenetically considered;

3.     Zone of proximal development in education;

4.     Family as a prototype of the Zone of proximal development;

5. Zone of proximal development in clinical psychology, psychotherapy and psychological consulting.
Conditions of participating in the conference

1. Participants may present a speech on the section of the conference. Its length should be not more than 10 minutes. Any speaker may use the proposed projector for illustrating presented report. In this case one has in advance to mark the appropriate field in the application for the participation in the conference.
2.     Every participant will get the pack of handouts, as well as the  
certificate of the participation.
3.     Those participants, who are not going to attend the conference,  
will receive the appropriate materials per e-mail on the address they  
mentioned in the application for the participation.
4.     Charged fee for the participation (including one publication  
[not more than 5 pages]) takes 200 EUR. Every additional page being  
published will cost 3 EUR. Every additional book of collected articles  
will cost 14 EUR.
5.     Information about conditions and arrangements of accommodation  
in Moscow will be transmitted to those participants, whose application  
will be received before the term mentioned below.

Terms and conditions of application admittance

1.     Filled application form will be admitted until 1 September 2010.

2. When your application will be received, we will reply and send you the quittance for payment the conference fee.
3.     Deadline for abstracts acceptance is 15 September 2010.

4. Invitation letters for the participants will be sent in September 2010.
5.     Organizing committee has the right to select the abstracts,  
which will be included in conference program.
6.     Abstracts, which do not correspond to the theme of the  
conference as well as to the mentioned requirements, won’t be included  
in the conference program. Rejected papers are not sent back.
7.     Papers of informational and advertising content as well as in  
journalistic style are not accepted for publication.
8.     The book with collected articles will be published at the start  
of the conference.

Abstract registration rules

1. Overall volume – up to 5 pages (including bibliography) in electronic A4 format with line spacing of 1.
2.      The indention is 1cm. Times New Roman font (size 12) should be  
3.     Abstracts should be made in electronic form in Microsoft Word  
in DOC or RTF file type and should be sent to e-mail addresses vygconf@levb.org
4.     A header should be written within the page center: the  
presentation name should be written in bold+italic font, then from new  
line – authors last names and initials (bold font), then again from  
the new line – institution name, town, country. Leave one spare line  
before main text.
5.     References in text should be made as following: in round  
brackets author's last name and initials, then comma, then year of  
publication. For example (Ananyev B.G., 1968).
6.      Reference list with no more than 5 publications should be  
places at the end of the abstract.
7.      Abstract text must not contain tables, diagrams and charts.

8. Abstract texts of researches, who work in the same institution may be presented in one electronic letter.

Schedule of the conference

15 November

11.00 – 13.00 Opening XI International Readings dedicated to the memory of L.S.Vygotsky
13.00-14.00 Lunch

14.00 – 17.30 Work in sections

18.00 – 20.00 Evening lecture

16 November

11.00 – 13.00 Work in sections

13.00 – 14.00 Lunch

14.00 – 17.30 Work in sections

18.00 – 20.00 Round table

17 November

11.00 – 13.00 Plenary meeting

13.00 – 14.00 Lunch

16.00 – 22.00 Birthday of L.S.Vygotsky Institute of psychology

18 November

12.00 – 16.00 Meeting of Educational Department of psychology of classical universities, dedicated to 15 anniversary of Vygotsky institute of psychology.
16.00 – 21.00 Banquet

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