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Re: [xmca] Scribner talk

On Sun, 21 Feb 2010, mike cole wrote:

The award went to LCHC but somehow they couldn't envision LCHC speaking.
LCHC just needs to incorporate. The Supreme Court of the United States has 
just ruled that a corporation is a person just like any other person, and 
has the same Constitutional protection for the freedom of its speech 
(consequently, laws against corporations buying elections are now 
unconstitutional, since this S.Ct. has also ruled that money is the same 
as speech). The fact that corporations tend to have more $$$peech than the 
rest of us persons, does not seem to matter: ours is now a democracy of 
dollars, rather than of people (i.e., demos).
So if LCHC is incorporated, it can just buy the award, and that will be 
its speech.
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