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[xmca] article on why professors lean to the left
Thought some might be interested. Below is a NY Times article on a
recently published paper that proposes reasons why university
professors have an "overwhelmingly left tilt."
From the article:
"What distinguishes Mr. Gross and Mr. Fosse’s research from so much of
the hubbub that surrounds this subject is their methodology. Whereas
most arguments have primarily relied on anecdotes, this is one of the
only studies to use data from the General Social Survey of opinions
and social behaviors and compare professors with the rest of Americans."
The article has a link to here where the full paper can be downloaded.
- Steve
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January 18, 2010
Professor Is a Label That Leans to the Left
The overwhelmingly liberal tilt of university professors has been
explained by everything from outright bias to higher I.Q. scores. Now
new research suggests that critics may have been asking the wrong
question. Instead of looking at why most professors are liberal, they
should ask why so many liberals — and so few conservatives — want to
be professors.
A pair of sociologists think they may have an answer: typecasting.
Conjure up the classic image of a humanities or social sciences
professor, the fields where the imbalance is greatest: tweed jacket,
pipe, nerdy, longwinded, secular — and liberal. Even though that may
be an outdated stereotype, it influences younger people’s ideas about
what they want to be when they grow up.
Jobs can be typecast in different ways, said Neil Gross and Ethan
Fosse, who undertook the study. For instance, less than 6 percent of
nurses today are men. Discrimination against male candidates may be a
factor, but the primary reason for the disparity is that most people
consider nursing to be a woman’s career, Mr. Gross said. That means
not many men aspire to become nurses in the first place — a point made
in the recent Lee Daniels film “Precious: Based on the Novel ‘Push’ by
Sapphire.” When John (Lenny Kravitz) asks the 16-year-old Precious
(Gabourey Sidibe) and her friends whether they’ve ever seen a male
nurse before, all answer no amid giddy laughter.
Nursing is what sociologists call “gender typed.” Mr. Gross said that
“professors and a number of other fields are politically typed.”
Journalism, art, fashion, social work and therapy are dominated by
liberals; while law enforcement, farming, dentistry, medicine and the
military attract more conservatives.
“These types of occupational reputations affect people’s career
aspirations,” he added in a telephone interview from his office at the
University of British Columbia. Mr. Fosse, his co-author, is a Ph.D.
candidate at Harvard.
The academic profession “has acquired such a strong reputation for
liberalism and secularism that over the last 35 years few politically
or religiously conservative students, but many liberal and secular
ones, have formed the aspiration to become professors,” they write in
the paper, “Why Are Professors Liberal?” That is especially true of
their own field, sociology, which has become associated with “the
study of race, class and gender inequality — a set of concerns
especially important to liberals.”
What distinguishes Mr. Gross and Mr. Fosse’s research from so much of
the hubbub that surrounds this subject is their methodology. Whereas
most arguments have primarily relied on anecdotes, this is one of the
only studies to use data from the General Social Survey of opinions
and social behaviors and compare professors with the rest of Americans.
Mr. Gross and Mr. Fosse linked those empirical results to the broader
question of why some occupations — just like ethnic groups or
religions — have a clear political hue. Using an econometric
technique, they were then able to test which of the theories
frequently bandied about were supported by evidence and which were not.
Intentional discrimination, one of the most frequent and volatile
charges made by conservatives, turned out not to play a significant
To understand how a field gets typecast, one has to look at its
history. From the early 1950s William F. Buckley Jr. and other
founders of the modern conservative movement railed against academia’s
liberal bias. Buckley even published a regular column, “From the
Academy,” in the magazine he founded, The National Review.
“Conservatives weren’t just expressing outrage,” Mr. Gross said, “they
were also trying to build a conservative identity.” They defined
themselves in opposition to the New Deal liberals who occupied the
establishment’s precincts. Hence Buckley’s quip in the early 1960s:
“I’d rather entrust the government of the United States to the first
400 people listed in the Boston telephone directory than to the
faculty of Harvard University.”
In the 1960s college campuses, swelled by the large baby-boom
generation, became a staging ground for radical leftist social and
political movements, further moving the academy away from conservatism.
Typecasting, of course, is not the only cause for the liberal tilt.
The characteristics that define one’s political orientation are also
at the fore of certain jobs, the sociologists reported. Nearly half of
the political lopsidedness in academia can be traced to four
characteristics that liberals in general, and professors in
particular, share: advanced degrees; a nonconservative religious
theology (which includes liberal Protestants and Jews, and the
nonreligious); an expressed tolerance for controversial ideas; and a
disparity between education and income.
The mismatch between schooling and salary complements a theory that
the Harvard professor Louis Menand raises in his new book “The
Marketplace of Ideas.” He argues that the way higher education was
structured by progressive reformers in the late 19th century is partly
responsible for the political uniformity of today. In the view of the
early reformers, the only way to ensure that quality, rather than
profit, would be rewarded was to protect the profession from outside
competition. The tradeoff for lower salaries was control; professors
decide who gets to enter their profession and who doesn’t.
The tendency of people in any institution or organization to try to
fit in also reinforces the political one-sidedness. In “The
Politically Correct University: Problems, Scope and Reforms,” a
collection of essays published by the American Enterprise Institute, a
conservative research group, Daniel B. Klein, an economist at George
Mason University in Virginia, and Charlotta Stern, a sociologist at
Stockholm University, argue that when it comes to hiring, “the
majority will tend to support candidates like them in the matter of
fundamental beliefs, values and commitments.”
Other contributors to the book, Matthew Woessner and April Kelly-
Woessner, who are husband and wife, also found that conservatives are
less interested in pursuing advanced degrees than liberals.
Mr. Gross and Mr. Fosse have not yet published their results, but
experts in the field have vetted their research and methods. Michèle
Lamont, a Harvard professor and the author of “How Professors Think,”
said, “I think their paper is very, very sophisticated and quite
original.” She added that the theory better fits some disciplines,
like literature and sociology, than others, like business or economics.
Mitchell L. Stevens, a professor of education at Stanford University,
who also reviewed the research, finds the theory promising. Choosing
an occupation is part of fashioning an identity, Mr. Stevens said,
noting that people think of themselves as a “corporate type” or a free
spirit, which is why you might find highly educated graduates working
as bartenders instead of in an office.
He added that the gender-typing of a field like physics might also
partly explain the dearth of women in it, another subject that has
provoked heated disputes.
To Mr. Gross, accusations by conservatives of bias and student
brainwashing are self-defeating. “The irony is that the more
conservatives complain about academia’s liberalism,” he said, “the
more likely it’s going to remain a bastion of liberalism.”
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