More info on transferring cassette recordings to digital format:
In the video he's taking his audio files to a CD, but if you just want the
audio on your computer you can skip the last part.
I'm attaching a handout I developed which explains the same basic thing.
He's using Audacity, which is what I'd recommend. It's free,
cross-platform, and fairly easy to use. One thing to note is that you'll
need to do one of these two things to end up w/ seperate files for each
- so an individual recording for each song, or
- transfer the entire cassette (or each side, anyway) and then split the
long recording into individual songs
If you're on a Mac (which I think you are, Dr, Smagorinsky) and want to burn
a CD, you can use iTunes for that part of the process.
If you don't mind spending a little money you can buy a special rig designed
to do exactly this. Google "transfer cassette to mp3" and you'll get plenty
of hits.
Here's one example (though I'm not endorsing it).
Hope that helps.
Ron B
Ron Braxley
Digital Media Specialist
Office of Information Technology
UGA College of Education