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[xmca] Play and more..

Hello All,

I am writing in response to the recent post about the use of structured
dramatic play in early childhood education.  We recently wrote a paper in
which we argued and illustrated with some examples that spontaneous and
unstructured play can be used as an effective educational activity as
well.  The paper is now in press.  (The reference is below).  However, I
am willing to send a prepublication copy as an e-mail attachment.  If you
are interested, please send me a note off the net.

Göncü, A. Abel, B. & Boshans, M. (in press).  The role of attachment and
play in young  children?s learning and development. In K. Littleton, C.
Wood, & J. K. Staarman (Eds.) Handbook of Educational Psychology: New
Perspectives on Learning and Teaching, Elsevier.

Artin Goncu, Ph.D
Educational Psychology
College of Education M/C 147
1040 W. Harrison St.
Chicago, IL 60607
(312) 996-5259

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