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[xmca] Fwd: EARLI - job announcements:Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Spain, research scientists, USA, researchers, technician and a research studentship, UK, Prof. of Educational Sciences, Estonia, associate prof.,Sweden, position for PhD students, Finland, Germany

Many job opportunities in very interesting places that may fit XMCArs,

Begin forwarded message:

From: Tonia Davison <Tonia.Davison@PED.KULEUVEN.BE>
Date: September 22, 2009 1:49:04 PM GMT+02:00
Subject: EARLI - job announcements:Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Spain, research scientists, USA, researchers, technician and a research studentship, UK, Prof. of Educational Sciences, Estonia, associate prof.,Sweden, position for PhD students, Finland, Germany Reply-To: European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction <EARLI@LISTSERV.CC.KULEUVEN.AC.BE>

Dear EARLI members,

Please find below 8 job announcements:

Marie Curie Postdoctoral 14-month Fellowship
in CSCL research design & data analysis

The Department of Educational Psychology, Autonomous University of Barcelona (www.uab.edu), announces the opening of one Postdoctoral Research Fellow position in the area of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) research design & data analysis. The position is for 14 months, starting on January 2010. Funding comes from the European Commission, under the Marie Curie Action Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP) project Euro-CAT-CSCL (FP7-PEOPLE-2007-3-1-IAPP-218306). Euro-CAT- CSCL project is concerned with the design, construction, deployment and evaluation of a Collaboration Awareness Tool (CAT) for Computer Supported Collaborative Learners (CSCL). The main objective of the research is to provide end users with a tool allowing them to increase their collaboration and learning capabilities by bringing forward the situational context information of their learning team partners. More details are available at www.cat-cscl.eu . The Research Fellow is expected to contribute to Euro-CAT-CSCL objectives and scientific outcomes of the project (workshops, publications, diffusion) by her/ his expertise in CSCL research design and data analysis. She/he will work in collaboration with the scientist in charge of the project in UAB University, Professor Carles Monereo i Font, in cooperation with the other partners and the project coordinator.

Requirements for applicants are: (a) a Ph.D. in Psychology or related field; (b) a total research experience of 4-10 years (including the years of Ph.D. study); and (c) the Research Fellow must not have resided, worked or studied in Spain for more than 12 months out of the three years immediately prior to either the time of application, or the start of her/his work. Exceptions from the first rule may be granted for European researchers that have been working outside the EU for a long period. (For more details on the eligibility criteria see
Interested candidates should contact both Pr. Carles Monereo i Font (carles.monereo@uab.cat ) and the project coordinator Margarida Romero (margarida.romero@ouak.net ). Please supply a cover letter with expression of interest, fit of requirements, availability and an up-to-date curriculum vitae.

The University of Phoenix’s National Research Center for Teaching and Learning is seeking applications for two research scientists to assist in executing the center’s research agenda in cognition and learning. Both are full-time positions at the postdoctoral level or higher, and will be located in San Francisco. The specializations sought are in the following areas:

- Educational Technology / Human-Computer Interaction / Information Science

- Teaching, Learning, & Assessment

Please see the attached position descriptions for more detail.

Applicants should send a letter describing research interests and experience, a curriculum vitae, three letters of reference, and selected publications electronically to Dr. Jorge Klor de Alva, NRC Director, at jorge@apollogrp.edu or to:

Dr. Norma Ming, Senior Research Scientist
National Research Center for Teaching and Learning, University of Phoenix
199 Fremont Street, Suite 1800
San Francisco, CA 94105

Applications will be reviewed until the position is filled.

The Centre for Neuroscience in Education in the Faculty of Education at the University of Cambridge is seeking to fill three posts -- two researchers, one technician - and a research studentship.
Please see our website for further details - www.educ.cam.ac.uk/about/jobs

University of Tartu in Estonia is seeking to appoint a Professor of Educational Sciences.

It is a full-time position for the period from 1.09.2010 to 31.08.2015. The closing date for submitting application documents is 15 October 2009.

The professor should develop and lead a research group of educational sciences focusing on the education of students with special educational needs. The work involves planning, preparation and execution of research and developmental work and supervision of PhD students in the field. The candidate should have an ability to generate research funding. In addition, the professor should hold seminars of educational methodology and give consultations on publishing scientific papers. Also, involvement in developing of teacher education curricula for improving the preparation of students for working with pupils with special needs is expected.

The candidate must hold a Ph.D. or another academic degree of an equivalent level. A successful candidate has at least 15 international peer-reviewed research publications in the journals with a high impact factor in the field of educational sciences (preferably indexed in ISI Web of Knowledge database). At least three of these publications should be in the sub-field of special educational needs. Within the last five years they must have completed internationally recognised research equivalent to more than one doctoral thesis.

The salary would be up to 90 000 EEK (approx. 5750 EUR) per month (including 21% of local taxes). The professorship is co-financed by the European Social Fund programme DoRa.

Further information can be found from the general web-page of vacant positions at the University of Tartu: http://www.ut.ee/37444 as well as from the page of detailed information about the position of the Professorship of Educational Sciences: http://www.ut.ee/80018#7


Applications are invited for an Experienced Researcher (ER) fellowship for two-years in the area of modelling literacy development in European Languages and orthographic learning in dyslexia

The fellow will join a 7-member Marie Curie-funded training network: ELDEL (Enhancing Literacy Development in European Languages).

The ELDEL Network consists of a programme of research focusing on typical and atypical literacy development in learners of several European languages. For the present post, the successful ER fellow will contribute to two of the core Work Packages of the Network: Work Package 1(WP1) - Establishing the Foundations of Literacy Development in European Languages, and Work Package 5 (WP5 - Implicit and Explicit Learning in Typical and Dyslexic Spelling Development (see http://www.eldel.eu/workpackageoverview).


The position will be based at the University of Granada under the supervision of S. Defior, and will involve close collaboration with project partners in the UK (Bangor University (M. Caravolas) and The University of York (C. Hulme). The main duties will include coordinating the collection, compilation, and statistical analysis of the longitudinal multilanguage dataset of WP1. As part of this remit, the ER will be required to work with the ESRs at the five network sites to support them in compiling and analysing their single-language data, and to contribute to network-wide tutorials on statistical approaches to longitudinal, developmental research. The ER will also collaborate in WP5 Implicit and Explicit Orthographic Learning in Dyslexia, in which s/he will assist in the design of experiments, in E-prime or similar, investigating the generality and specificity of orthographic learning processes in normal developing children and dyslexics from a crosslinguistic perspective.

As part of the ER fellowship, the post-holder will be involved in all aspects of the research project including activities of coordination, ESRs supervision, data analysis, interpretation, and dissemination, among others.

Advanced knowledge of statistics, modelling and psycholinguistic approaches to reading and spelling will be an asset, as will experience of research involving children and adults with and without dyslexia. The ELDEL network's research programme has a strong cross-linguistic theme which will necessitate the ability to coordinate activities with researchers working in parallel in languages other than Spanish, availability to travel for training and research purposes to other European network sites, and to contribute to the cross-language database analysis on early literacy.

Salary:   49.660 €     p.a.

Specific duties will include:

Conduct statistical data analysis using SPSS, M-plus, and similar packages (specific training in the use of Mplus will be provided as necessary at the York site by C. Hulme).
Work closely with the Supervisor, S. Defior, WP1 Coordinator (M.
Caravolas), and Senior Scientist (C. Hulme) on the compilation and organization of the overall WP1 dataset. Liaise regularly with ESRs on WP1 and support them in the compilation and analysis of their single-language data.
Participate in the design of experiments on WP5.
Liaise with and support two ESRs on WP5.
Support the principal and co-investigators in planning and development of the work packages. Acquire and maintain a thorough and up-to-date knowledge of the background scientific literature that is relevant to the research project. Preparing research report write-ups, and assisting in the completion of other aspects related to the publication of research findings.
Participate in conference presentations of research findings.
Attending ELDEL's Workshops and other relevant training activities.
Support broader research activities, workshop organisation, and communications with internal and external bodies in the field of language and literacy development.

Person Specification:

Due to the stipulations of the funding source (Marie Curie Fellowships), the successful candidate must: be a non-Spanish national or have legally resided and had his/her main activity in a non-Associated third country (non-EU, or Associated state) for at least three of the last four years. Non- Spanish nationals must not have worked and resided in Spain for more than 12 months in the past 3 years (preceding the start date). The post holder will be an Experienced Researcher, as defined by the Marie Curie FP7 scheme. Essential qualifications A PHD in Psychology, or closely related discipline such as Education, Speech and Language Therapy, Linguistics or equivalent research training, experience and achievement.
A very good command of oral and written Spanish and English.
Knowledge of reading mechanisms and reading development.
Advanced knowledge and skills in statistical analysis for the behavioural sciences. Ability to use statistical packages for analysing large data sets using software such as Microsoft Excel, SPSS and Mplus. Ability to manage time and complete tasks accurately to agreed deadlines. Proven ability to coordinate research involving liaison with participants and students Experience in working with dyslexic children. Experience in psychological research, including study design, data collection, and data analysis, interpreting and reporting of results in written and oral form. Excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to communicate with young children, students, teachers, education professionals, research assistants as well as European colleagues at all levels.
Excellent time management skills.

Desirable qualifications:

Previous research and/or psycho-educational and clinical experience with preschool, primary-school-aged children, dyslexic children and/ or special populations.
Knowledge of how environments impact learning.
Ability to program using e-prime or equivalent languages.
Ability to use structural equation modelling and growth curve analysis. Previous experience of research/ psycho-educational and/or clinical practice in areas of language and literacy development, dyslexia. Familiarity with assessments/measures often used in research with preschool, school-aged children, and adults Research publications in peer-reviewed journals.
Experience of preparing proposals for research grant funding.

 Closing Date: 10-11-2009

The successful candidate will be expected to start on 10th January 2010 or as soon as possible thereafter.

Applying for this vacancy:

Send by e-mail to sdefior@ugr.es (with copy to monicacano@ugr.es) the following documents:

-a covering letter
-a full CV
-a statement of scientific interests
-three referees letter sent directly by the referees -a copy of the passport or identity card

Vacant positions at the Department of Education, at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR/SENIOR LECTURER IN EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES Special Education and Inclusion, development in reading and writing (Ref. no E 324 3802/09)

ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR/SENIOR LECTURER IN EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES Child and Youth Studies, development in reading and writing in early childhood (Ref. no E 324 3803/09)

ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR/SENIOR LECTURER IN EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES Child and Youth Studies, mathematical learning in early childhood (Ref. no E 324 3805/09)

For more information visit our website:


Doctoral Programme for Interdisciplinary Research on Learning Environments coordinated by the University of Turku, Finland,

announces 8 full time positions for PhD students for the time period 1.1.2010-31.12.2013.

Applications are to be submitted by September 30, 2009.

For more information
-see the attachment file "8PhDstudent_positions_OPMON.pdf"
-contact: Mrs. Tarja-Riitta Hurme (tarja-riitta.hurme@utu.fi), or - visit our webpages http://edu.utu.fi/tutkijakoulut/opmon/

The Knowledge Media Research Center (KMRC, Institut fuer Wissensmedien, Tuebingen, Germany) conducts research on knowledge acquisition, knowledge exchange, and collaboration with modern communication media. The Center is a member of the Leibniz- Gemeinschaft and is committed to international scientific standards.

In September 2009, a PhD position will be announced in the following project funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG):

"Knowledge and Information Awareness for Increasing the Efficiency of Net Based Collaborative Problem Solving by Spatially Distributed Group Members ".

This project investigates knowledge exchange and difficulties of knowledge acquisition in group situations, especially with virtual groups whose memb ers do not know each other. The studies center on an innovative solution a pproach - "Knowledge and Information Awareness".

Your profile:
above-average diploma or master's degree in Psychology expertise in Cognitive Psychology and / or Media Psychology excellent research skills and statistical skills (SPSS)

... and you are interested in the research areas of "Computer- Supported Collaboration" and "Group Awareness"?

Please find our job announcement (released by the end of September) follow ing this link: http://www.iwm-kmrc.de/www/de/stellenangebote/index.html ]http://www.iwm -kmrc.de/www/de/stellenangebote/index.html

For further information, please contact:

Dr. Tanja Engelmann
Institut fuer Wissensmedien - Knowledge Media Research Center Konrad- Adenauer-Strasse 40
D-72072 Tuebingen (Germany)

Phone: +49 7071 979-239
E-Mail: [ mailto:t.engelmann@iwm-kmrc.de ]

David Preiss

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