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RE: [xmca] Re: [ISCAR News] EXTRA ISCAR NEWS Sept 2009

Hi Dot, thank you so much for this email which pointed out some very important issues. 

I dare to answer as member of the Iscar executive and therefore as a representative of a region

In fact the activity within the regions needs to be improved and I
share with you the feeling that much more could be done in order to
improve the size and the impact of Iscar in general 

I will forward your comments to the executive and start up a discussion
about this by asking each member to make sure to collect ideas,
comments and suggestions within their regions before the meeting in
october in Rome 

In fact Michailis before sending out the newsletter usually asked each
member of the executive to gather info from the regions and
it would be good to do the same for the up-coming meeting in Rome 

Dot, thank you again for your comments and for being so passionate about Iscar 


> Date: Tue, 8 Sep 2009 22:06:45 -0700
> From: drobbins72000@yahoo.com
> Subject: Re: [xmca] Re: [ISCAR News] EXTRA ISCAR NEWS Sept 2009
> To: mcole@weber.ucsd.edu; xmca@weber.ucsd.edu
> CC: xmca@weber.ucsd.edu
> Dear Michalis and All,
> Thanks for your note Michalis, both public and private. The ISCAR Newsletter was indeed disturbing for some of us, not understanding things. If the executive committee made a decision to connect with certain journals, why were we (the ISCAR participants) not informed of that? I am very glad that ISCAR is helping Ph.D. students to publish, and would like to know about those possibilities. Also, I am wondering about the Russian journal that ISCAR supports, Cultural-Historical Psychology...it is in Russian, and our colleagues there need help in finding ways to promote this journal to Russian-reading participants. To date, they do not know how to set up a PayPal account to start subscriptions....I am hoping all of you will help Inna in October at your meeting....and, will help this journal in particular, as it is supported by ISCAR. I am curious to understand the ISCAR relationship to various journals....especially, our Russian journal.
> Having been interested in ISCAR since 1998 (then, ISCRAT), I must say that I have never understood the role of the country representatives...For example, I have never received an e-mail giving me information on reports from the executive committee, nor have I ever been asked for my opinions, nor have I ever received information on ideas such as Ethos as a journal connected to ISCAR. I have written to Michalis about this, and think this might be a good place to start grassroots democracy within ISCAR (now, other countries have a system where they all communicate, but I have not experienced that, and would love to).
> The ICHS series of books from Germany....again, a number of people were shocked...Was there ever an announcement for people to submit a book proposal to the ICHS series? Now, we are receiving discount possibilities, but I am thinking of the new Ph.D.s....do they know that there is a possibility for them to submit their manuscripts to this series? I apologize as I just don't know what is happening....By coincidence, I received an excellent book from this series today....Lev Sememovic Vygotskij Briefe/Letters..1924-1934. People interested in the personal side of Vygotsky will gain much from this book....www.lehmanns.de. This book publishes the letters of Vygotsky in German first, and then, translated into English. It is the 2nd Edition, 2009. Unfortunately, I have not been able to find out all of the books published in this series. It would be rewarding to have information on this series of books (past, present, and submission for future), since ISCAR is
>  involved....now, returning to ISCAR....some people knew about this opportunity to have books published in English, with this German company....but, is this opportunity also open to others within ISCAR, especially to the new Ph.D. students, who were mentioned before, as a priority within ISCAR? I hope so....My thoughts now are a product of a number of people who have communicated with me....Many of us want to support ISCAR at the grassroots level.....What is the executive committee doing to make sure these voices are the groundwork of a democratic process? Please know that I support ISCAR with all of my heart, and believe that this is a critical moment....I am hoping for a feeling of "inclusion," and I believe that our newly elected members want the same. I stand behind them.
> Dot
> --- On Tue, 9/8/09, Michalis Kontopodis <michalis.kontopodis@staff.hu-berlin.de> wrote:
> From: Michalis Kontopodis <michalis.kontopodis@staff.hu-berlin.de>
> Subject: [xmca] Re: [ISCAR News] EXTRA ISCAR NEWS Sept 2009
> To: mcole@weber.ucsd.edu
> Cc: "eXtended Mind, Culture, Activity" <xmca@weber.ucsd.edu>
> Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 12:48 PM
> Hallo Mike and thanks a lot for your kind email,
> usually the Executive Committee does not have a central policy and only accepts i.e. supports initiatives of its local members,
> however sometime ago, the exec committee decided to make ISCAR membership more attractive including discounts, 'central' cooperation with publishers, opportunities for PhD students to publish their work etc.
> In this context the exec. com would like to gain discounts for ISCAR members in cooperation with many journals such as New Ideas in Psychology, Subjectivity, Memory Studies, Cultural Studies of Science Education - and why not, Culture & Cognition
> One could say that the space in-between Ethos or other from the above mentioned journals is the Zone of Proximal Development of both the journals or the disciplines, which they represent, and of the broader field of cultural-historical activity theory, or cultural psychology.
> It would be nice if e.g. anthropologists would know more about Vygotsky in the future -- and the other way round, cultural psychologists profited from debates in anthropology e.g. about ethnography or emerging cultures - this is not of course the only criterion
> The journals, with which ISCAR would like to cooperate, publish ISCAR-related articles (even if not only), include wellknown ISCAR scholars in their editorial borders and have an (explicit interest) in CHAT/ cultural psychology
> There is however no list of formal criteria according to which such a decision can be made, and I guess that in each case the Exec Comm will examine each journal or publisher cooperation in particular.
> We would be very happy to accept further ideas, suggestions, help and - why not - critique regarding this issue, and I would be happy to provide further information or explanations,
> thanks again a lot,
> Michalis Kontopodis (PhD)
> ISCAR Secretary
> Research Associate
> Institute for Eur. Ethnology
> Humboldt University Berlin
> tel.: +49 (0) 30 2093 3716
> fax.: +49 (0) 30 2093 3726
> http://www.csal.de
> http://www.iscar.org/de/
> On 07.09.2009, at 04:43, Mike Cole wrote:
> > Without prejudicing the issue one way or the other, how did a decision get made that Ethos is an ISCAR-affiliated journal?? I value the journal, but did not associate it with ISCAR. I would appreciate understanding the perspectives of others. For example, why not have Culture and cognition as an ISCAR-related journal, or American Anthropologist and other journals that could be identified (the new Italian journal Psicologia Culturale and others???
> > 
> > In brief, who makes such decisions based on what criteria???
> > 
> > mike cole
> > 
> > On Sun, Sep 6, 2009 at 10:06 AM, <newsletter@iscar.org> wrote:
> > Dear ISCAR Members,
> > 
> > This is a short extra ISCAR NEWSLETTER with following News:
> > 
> > 1. ?Developmental Psychology, Semiotics and Culture? Conference in Lausanne
> > 
> > 2. Full or Assistant professorship in education at the University of Neuchâtel (Switzerland)
> > 
> > 3. Ethos is now an ISCAR-affiliated Journal
> > 
> > 4. 20% discount to ISCAR members for all ICHS-volumes published in English
> > 
> > 5. New ISCAR-related Publications
> > 
> > For further details please see the attached Newsletter.
> > 
> > with best wishes,
> > 
> > Michalis Kontopodis (PhD)
> > ISCAR Secretary
> > Research Associate
> > Institute for Eur. Ethnology
> > Humboldt University Berlin
> > 
> > tel.: +49 (0) 30 2093 3716
> > fax.: +49 (0) 30 2093 3726
> > http://www.csal.de
> > http://www.iscar.org/de/
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
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