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[xmca] FW: The Law and Development Review -- New Articles

I got this notice, and thought y'all might be interested:



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 <http://www.bepress.com/journals> bepress Journals

July 27, 2009



New Articles

The Law and Development Review


 <http://www.bepress.com/ldr> http://www.bepress.com/ldr



Berkeley Electronic Press is pleased to announce the following new articles
recently published in  <http://www.bepress.com/ldr> The Law and Development
Review, the first international journal devoted to the impact of the law and
legal institutions on economic and social development worldwide.

Who <http://www.bepress.com/ldr/vol1/iss1/art7?sending=10683>  Are the
Developing Countries in the WTO? 

Fan Cui

Developing <http://www.bepress.com/ldr/vol2/iss1/art1?sending=10683>
Countries in the 21st Century WTO: New Contours of India's Global Engagement

Suparna Karmakar

To <http://www.bepress.com/ldr/vol2/iss1/art2?sending=10683>  What Extent
Should Labor and Environmental Standards Be Linked to Trade? 

Magda Shahin

<http://www.bepress.com/ldr/vol2/iss1/art3?sending=10683>  Exchanges: The
Origins of a Financial Technique 

Ross Buckley

Anarchy <http://www.bepress.com/ldr/vol2/iss1/art4?sending=10683>  and
Development: An Application of the Theory of Second Best 

Peter T. Leeson and Claudia R. Williamson

Featured Article

 <http://www.bepress.com/ldr/vol1/iss1/art2> "The Sen Conception of
Development and Contemporary International Law Discourse: Some Parallels",
by Bhupinder Chimni of Jawaharlal Nehru University, proposes that, while the
Sen conception of 'development as freedom' represents a departure from
previous approaches to development that focused merely on growth rates or
technological progress, it fails to adequately address the limiting role of
social constraints. Similarly, mainstream international law scholarship has
failed to indicate the constraints in the international system that prevent
its attainment. 

About this journal

 <http://www.bepress.com/ldr> The Law and Development Review is the first
international journal devoted to the impact of the law and legal
institutions on economic and social development. Law and development is a
major area of concern for developing countries, and for the economic future
and security of developed countries. The journal brings perspectives from
both the developing and the developed world to examine the ways that legal
orders, domestic and international, help or hinder economic development, and
how global agreements and negotiations in particular affect developing
countries. With editors and an editorial board that represent leading
scholars and professionals of unprecedented diversity,
<http://www.bepress.com/ldr> The Law and Development Review will be of
interest to a wide range of academics, researchers and, policy makers, NGOs,
and international bodies interested in the legal aspects of economic

Edited by

Yong-Shik Lee (Y.S. Lee) 
University of Sydney Law School

Bhupinder Chimni 
Jawaharlal Nehru University

David Trubek 
Wisconsin Law School

 <http://www.bepress.com/ldr/topdownloads.html> Most Popular Papers
<http://www.bepress.com/ldr/announcements.html> Sign Up for Alerts
0727%0A%0ABest,> Tell a Colleague Recommend to Your Library 

Submit your next paper

LDR seeks articles on law and its impact on economic and social development.
Visit the Aims  <http://www.bepress.com/ldr/aimsandscope.html> & Scope to
find out more. 


About bepress Journals 
 <http://www.bepress.com/journals> www.bepress.com/journals 


Founded by professors in 1999, The Berkeley Electronic PressT represents the
new standard in scholarly publishing. Our journals feature fast and
high-quality peer review, an
<http://www.bepress.com/journals/guest_access.html> innovative guest access
policy, and prices that libraries can easily afford. 

2809 Telegraph Avenue, Suite 202, Berkeley, CA 94705



C2009 The Berkeley Electronic Press.



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