Re: [xmca] list of ISCAR 2008 papers on moodle

From: Steve Gabosch <stevegabosch who-is-at>
Date: Sat Sep 27 2008 - 19:21:31 PDT

To get to the moodle site:

Go to
to register and/or log in

Once in, go to the highest level

There is a link called ISCAR in the upper right hand corner list of
"my courses"

It might be that to create this "my course" link you have to go there
first. Click on Special Purpose Sites, Conferences on the main page
list of courses, which gets you to a search screen. Search for ISCAR
and hopefully that link will appear and get you there.

There is room for improvement on what this moodle software seems to be
able to do, of course - it would be nice to sort by author, title,
session, etc. - but just having electronic access like this to so many
conference papers (I wonder how many more ISCAR 2008 papers there are
that are not posted here?) is itself a big step forward from the
mimeograph/copier/printer past (also amazing advances themselves over
having to wait for books and journals to be published), and even the
recent digital past ("please email me your paper!"). Another
improvement could be attaching relevant powerpoint presentations and
other multimedia files to these papers. But I sure hope making all
these files accessible doesn't give anyone the idea we don't need
actual conferences! I've already bought my ticket to Rome 2011! LOL

- Steve

BTW, I just figured out where to find a single page list of the papers
on the ISCAR moodle site - click on "resources".

On Sep 27, 2008, at 6:31 PM, Andy Blunden wrote:
> Steve,
> I am registered with Moodle, but I have never been able to find
> anything there. How do you do it?
> Andy
xmca mailing list
Received on Sat Sep 27 19:25 PDT 2008

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