Re: [xmca] LPGA to GOP

From: <ERIC.RAMBERG who-is-at>
Date: Sat Sep 06 2008 - 09:18:49 PDT

Hello David:

I believe it is a sad statement of american politics that the republicans
are committed to emotional talking points rather then substance. In fact
it is the reason I shudder at any political ideas. Politics by nature is a
dividing force in human relations. History shows this time and time again.
These emotional talking points have a foundation in real life events but
unfortunately the various levels of talking and public meetings stretch
reality into the ethereal talking points heard in political speeches,
unfortunately this will never change. This has long been my main argument
against marxist ideas. As an explanatory theory of human relations it
provides a good lens, but as a methodology for bringing about societal
change it falls short. Quite frankly it is Marx's separation from man's
soul that is the cell of his shortcomings. Well. . . . perhaps we can
discuss this at another point, perhaps not.

Back to the topic at hand; obviously the LPGA saw their language policy as
a bad business decision. In today's american politics decisions are not
made based on finances but rather emotions. If one reads tacitus's annuls
about the government of rome it is riddled with emotions. Hmmmmm, makes
you wonder who will be fiddling when D.C burns?

      To: xmca <>
      Subject: [xmca] LPGA to GOP
David Kellogg <>
Sent by:
09/05/2008 08:49 PM MST
Please respond to vaughndogblack <font size=-1></font>


The Ladies' Professional Golf Association has apparently dropped its
English language requirement, originally designed to block Korean players
from competing.

But the Republican Party, rootling through the rubbish bins of the LPGA
, have apparently retrieved it and affixed it to their party platform.

"We support English as the official language in our nation, while welcoming
ethnic diversity in the United States and the territories, including
language (sic).  Immigrants should be encouraged to learn English."

Hey, in a pinch, they could get jobs teaching it to Republicans.

David Kellogg
Seoul National University of Education
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