[xmca] Chudnovskii on moral stability of personality

From: Achilles Delari Junior <achilles_delari who-is-at hotmail.com>
Date: Mon Aug 04 2008 - 16:10:25 PDT

Dear comrades,
Dorothy Robbins states:
“During her lifetime, two of Bozhovich’s closest collaborators were M.S. Landa-Neimark and V.E. Chudnovskii. Landa-Neimark focuses on different dominant trends in the organization of personality, including the collective, individual, and praxiological. Chudnovskii concentrates on the moral stability of personality”. (2004, p. 5)
Robbins, D. Guest Editor Introduction. In: Journal of Russian and East European Psychology. “L.I. Bozhovih and the Psychology of Personality”. vol. 42, no. 4. July-August 2004, pp. 3-6.
Please, can you indicate any available Chudnovskii’s work about “moral stability of personality”?
Thank you, very much.
Umuarama - PR.
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