Re: [xmca] Help with Russian texts...

From: bella kotik <bella.kotik who-is-at>
Date: Mon Aug 11 2008 - 01:24:20 PDT

This I found easily via pasting the name into browser, you may try
the rest same way

On 8/11/08, Achilles Delari Junior <> wrote:
> Dear colleagues.
> Some time
> ago, I was find in Russian Wikipedia, a number of links to Vygotsky's
> Russian texts. I
> downloaded some of them, mainly texts from the electronic version of the
> book "Выготский Л.С. = Психология развития человека. — М.: Изд-во
> Смысл; Эксмо, 2005. — 1136 с." (Vygotsky, L.S. Psykhologiia
> razvitiia cheloveka – Moskva, Izd-vo Smysl; Eksto, 2005. – 1136 c). But
> from
> some months ago until now, when I tried to get the other texts, the links
> was all
> broken. Somebody can help me with the following texts and/or links to them?
> 1 Сознание как проблема психологии поведения (1924/5)
> (Soznanie kak problema psykhologii povedeniia)
> 2 Орудие и знак в развитии ребенка (1930)
> (Orudie i
> znak v razvitii rebionka)
> 3 История развития высших психических
> функций (1931)
> (Istoria razvitia vysshikh psykhicheskikh funktsii)
> 4 Лекции по психологии (1. Восприятие; 2. Память; 3. Мышление;
> 4. Эмоции; 5. Воображение; 6. Проблема воли) (1932)
> (Lektsii po psykhologii (1.Vospriiatie; 2. Pamiiat'; 3.
> Myshlenie; 4. Emotsii; 5. Voobrazhenie; 6. Problema voli)
> Tank you.
> Achilles
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Sincerely yours Bella Kotik-Friedgut

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