Dear Achilles,
Thank you for your interest in Bozhovich, a person who is so dear to my heart. Your interest in Bozhovich means much to me personally.....Well, today, a number of people have written, and I hope that it will be possible to access various articles for people, and I have attached the instructions through my university affiliation again for others. For example, all of you should be able to now access the issue on L. I. Bozhovich and the Psychology of Personality (Journal of Russian and East European Psychology, 2004, Vol. 42/4), Achilles refers to on page 5, and V. E. Chudnovskii.
When doing the interviews for the Bozhovich issue, N. Tolystykh was able to do a film interivew of her experiences with Bozhovich, and T. Akhutina was kind enough to interview her. This is a document I am hoping to have in the future film archives of the second generation....At that point, I was given various names of people who collaborated with L. I. Bozhovich, and two names that appeared were M. S. Landa-Neimark and V.E. Chudnovskii. M. S. Landa-Neimark lives in the USA now (she was alive in 2004, but I do not know now), and we spoke a number of times on the phone. I sent her my introduction for her approval, and she sent me the name of V. E. Chudnovskii. A number of us tried to phone him in Israel at that time, but with no success. I will try to call M. S. Landa-Neimark tomorrow and see if I can reach her, and will report to all of you if that is positive. A website with Chudnovskii and the moral stability of personality can be found at:
M.S. Landa-Neimark sent me a translation of her book, titled "Personality Orientation." (1976, Educational Techology Publications, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632). In the bibliography, there is only one entry for V. E. Chudnovsky..."Experimental determination of dominant behavioral motives in children." Eighteenth International Psychology Congress, Moscow, 1966.
In closing, I want to make clear that I am not a historian of Russian Psychology (and I think the best historian in this field is Vladimir Umrikhin). My expertise is not in Russian....but, my love of Russian Psychology is very real. I think it is important to state that I am not an expert in this field, just a follower. It is my real wish that Russians/Ukrainians will step up to the plate to help with answers we all need. I am trying to serve as a bridge, but, my limitations are very clear. Can others better explanation?
Well, again, Achilles, thank you for your true interest in Bozhovich....I sincerely believe she was one of the most loyal followers of Vygotsky, in times that were so difficult none of us could understand.....I admire her beyond any words that could be expressed.....but, it would be better if Russians could speak on her behalf.
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