I appreciated reading your view, but have grown up within an entirely
different perspective. I grew up in the American West. I have lived in
Wyoming, Utah, Colorado and Idaho. I have always known people who possess
guns (kept safely in gun safes, etc), carry guns when necessary for killing
dangerous animals and when hunting, and for protection from bears, wolves,
and unknown elements (possibly human) when in isolated areas. I do not know
about people wearing guns for aesthetic reasons—that seems a little
outdated, but so are some of our other cultural traditions. I have always
been proud of the people who I have known for their responsible and
honorable use of firearms. Even my daughter likes to go to the rifle range
with her father and practice hitting the target. I cannot speak to the
violence in any culture, that is created by guns, except that in my
experience, it comes from those things in human nature and culture that are
not perpetuated by the presence of the tool, but by the presence of anger,
frustration, and the misuse of power. Just another perception from a
different viewpoint.
Also, you use the term common-sensical? I wrote in to show you a glimpse of
a totally different common-sense perception. My dad (a rancher) would think
of carrying a gun as an issue of common-sense in his profession. He does not
endorse violence, nor does he play violent video games, nor does carry a gun
except when needed to pursue a rabid animal, etc. He was very concerned over
my safety when I was a teacher and I called to tell him that I had done a
substitute teaching job at Columbine (different from the one in the
shootings, but he was still concerned). I do not wear a gun for
self-defense, preferring to have faith in my fellow humans, but always being
reminded that it is a risk. I am however, happy to have my husband along in
the woods when I pick huckleberries.
-----Original Message-----
From: xmca-bounces@weber.ucsd.edu [mailto:xmca-bounces@weber.ucsd.edu] On
Behalf Of David Preiss
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2008 4:00 PM
To: michaelboatright@gmail.com; eXtended Mind, Culture, Activity
Subject: Re: [xmca] District of Columbia v. Heller Decision
Sounds like very bad news for all of those concerned in the USA with
the proliferation of guns and its horrible impact on the lives of
those that, against the ruling, do no wear guns for self defense,
Michael (i.e. kids in school, workers, the regular people, which is
usually killed when somebody pulls the trigger one more time). It
looks like the judges were thinking of some ideal representation of
people living a good life, wearing guns for aesthetic reasons, and
not on the problems related to gun use within a society where
violence is used as a regular marketing resource and where the mass
media portrait gun use as a regular affair. Maybe because I am not an
American citizen, Michael, or that I do not live at this moment in
the USA, but I can't really understand why the American society
fights so much to defend such non-commonsensical right. Easy access
to guns and state sponsored vigilance! What a weird combination of
things! I would really rather the opposite!
On Jun 26, 2008, at 1:33 PM, Michael Boatright wrote:
> It will be interesting to see if today's Supreme Court ruling - a
> direct and
> explicit interpretation of the Second Amendment's text - drums up any
> dialogue here.
> full text of the ruling -
> http://www.supremecourtus.gov/opinions/07pdf/07-290.pdf
> m.
> --
> Michael D. Boatright
> Graduate Assistant
> Department of Language and Literacy Education
> University of Georgia
> 309 Aderhold Hall
> Athens, GA 30602
> mdb@uga.edu (currently being forwarded to)
> michaelboatright@gmail.com
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