[xmca] accepted ISCAR proposals w/o contact info

From: Olga Vasquez <ovasquez who-is-at weber.ucsd.edu>
Date: Fri Jun 20 2008 - 18:50:33 PDT

>Dear Cultural-Historical SIG Members,

        On the risk of seeming to perseverate, I
would like to make a final attempt to locate the
authors of the ISCAR proposals listed below. The
proposals for these papers were reviewed and
accepted but we have not heard back from the
authors after our technology fiasco.

        Could you please take a few moments to
see if you recognize the work of any of your
colleagues in the titles listed below and also
send the list to other Sig members and relevant

Just send us the names of people you think may be
associated to a title, we will do the rest of
the work.

Thank you much,

Incomplete but Accepted Paper Proposals
The paper proposals listed below are ones that we
have accepted for presentation at ISCAR 2008.

However, we do NOT have contact information for the authors of these papers.

If you are the author of one of the papers listed
below, please click on title of your proposal,
and fill in the form to resubmit the proposal.

If someone you know is the author of one of these
proposed papers, please have them visit this
webpage or contact iscar@iscar.ucsd.edu

Theme A Papers

     * Discourse genre articulation: a case study
in classroom computer-supported collaborative

     * Effects of communicative interaction
between elderly persons with dementia and
caregivers on the functional activation and
development of frontal lobe, cognition and daily
activities in persons with dementia

     * Encounter: The co-emergence of a
technological object and a collaborative agency

     * Play at Foreign Language Teaching for
Children: Mediational Tool for Learning

     * Propensity of Learners' Social Interaction
Systems to Diffuse Classroom Activity Systems

     * The attempt to classify educational
environments of modern schools of Russia

     * The investigation of adolescent orphanages' identity and self-concept

     * The structure of gratitude of Secondary
School Students in Urban China: conceptualization
and measurement

     * Understanding the processual nature of identity

     * Ways for narrative. Art and Literacy in the Baroque Society

Theme B Papers
# Children's participation: co-constructing peace
meanings within social practices

# Critical Pedagogy, Action Research, and CHAT:
Complexities, Challenges, and Opportunities for
21st Century Classrooms

# ECOTONE: The Borderlands Where Species Blend

# Exploring sociocultural notions of creativity
in school Art and Design contexts

# From real to imagined community

# How can Human Consciousness be Understood
within Non-Classical Psychology?: Still Point

# Individual and collective consciousness: Gender
as Emergent Practice in Classrooms

# Interaction and discourse between teacher and
with mild mental retardation students in the
inclusive education.

# Rewriting the other. Identity and biographical narratives of homeless people

# The co-construction of knowledge in socio-technical networks

# The life world of Tanzanian street children

# Trasncendence and connection: issues of an ethical agenda.
Theme C Papers

# A Dialectical Model of Vygotsky's Theory of Speaking and Thinking

# Become a young artist: the action of the
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in Portugal (from
the 1950s onwards)

# Developing a grounded system for analyzing
open-ended interviews: units of analyses within
an ethnographic logic of inquiry

# Dimensions of Mediation

# Electroencephalografic Forecasts Personal Preferences

# Image, reality and the problem of human
consciousness formation: a theoretical essay.

# Metatheoretical Considerations for Activity
Models in Architectural Design Research

# Psychotechnical Approach in Educational Psychology

# Socioprofessional Identities in the University World

# Vygotskyan implications and Interpretations in
Restructuring education for equity and excellence.

Olga A. Vásquez
Associate Professor
Department of Communication
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, CA 92093-0503
xmca mailing list
Received on Fri Jun 20 18:52 PDT 2008

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