Re: [xmca] permission?

From: Mike Cole <lchcmike who-is-at>
Date: Sat Jun 14 2008 - 18:50:04 PDT

Potentialism is a nice rephrasing of his grandfather's (and that
generation's) idea of methodological
optimism. Its greatest achievement, in my opinion, was the work that
Mescheryakov and colleagues did
with the blind-deaf. It is BOTH a methodolical AND an ethical/moral stance.

I wonder what other's think on this interesting collection of issues.

On Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 6:15 PM, Dot Robbins <>

> Dear Haydi and everyone!
> Sorry I could not find the Sokolova article you wanted, but I am hoping
> someone will scan the article by her I mentioned (I am in the process of
> moving, everything is packed).
> Attached is the introduction to JREEP by Sokolova in English.
> Regarding Dmitry Leontiev, he is a member of the International Society fo
> Existential Psychology and Psychotherapy (
> He is on the editorial board of
> their journal, and he coordinated a conference in Moscow a few years ago.
> During the summer of 2006, Dimitry gave a powerpoint in Finland (
> where he spoke of "potentialism vs. existentialism." I was not exactly clear
> about this, and I do not know much about existential psychology. I do know
> about existentialist philosophy, and that presents some simple problems for
> me personally. But, that is not important.*
> So, I am attaching a short article by Dmitry #2-IJEPP. And, Dmitry is very
> committed to Viktor Frankl...he coordinated a special conference in Moscow
> celebrating 100 years of V. Frankl. So, I am so very happy that there is
> interest in Elena Sokolova, and I hope there will be more translations of
> Dmitry's work in English, in future.
> Best,
> Dot
> *Feel free to delete here:
> Why are existential psychology and philosophy called "existential"? The
> reason is that they focus on existence in the here and now. At each moment,
> a person is free to choose what he or she will do and be. The most important
> aspect of a person is not what she has genetically inherited, or how her
> parents treated her when she was an infant, but how she interprets and
> responds to the world around her at each given instant, and the kinds of
> choices she makes about what to do next. Thus, existential and humanistic
> psychologies reject Freud's claim that the most important factor in
> understanding a person is early life experience. It also rejects the idea
> that biological or inherited factors are the most important aspect of a
> person (though only the most radical and misguided existentialist would
> claim that such factors have no influence on behavior). Furthermore,
> conscious choice and responsibility are central to existential psychology,
> and the unconscious is
> given little or no role to play.
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