[xmca] a materialist psychology

From: Martin Packer <packer who-is-at duq.edu>
Date: Tue Apr 29 2008 - 18:08:28 PDT

In the article published in MCA that was discussed here recently I pointed
out that in Crisis Vygotsky declared the need to end the dualism in
psychology by eliminating the idealist pole and developing a thoroughly
materialist psychology. Some of the history of materialism, both in its
reductionist and non-reductionist versions (V¹s being the latter) can be
heard at the link below, in the BBC Radio program In Our Time. At the end we
learn that they ran out of time to discuss Hegel and Marx, which is rather a
shame. (This is the same program which a year or so ago ran a poll in which
Marx was voted the most important philosopher of all time, much to host
Melvyn Bragg¹s surprise and dismay.)


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Received on Tue Apr 29 18:09 PDT 2008

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