[xmca] human learning theory text for grads in education/instructional technology - suggestions?

From: Michael A. Evans <mae who-is-at vt.edu>
Date: Fri Apr 11 2008 - 14:37:56 PDT

Dear All,

Iım in the process of restructuring a graduate-level introductory course in
human learning theory and would appreciate your advice...I remember a while
back a statement that the 2000 NRC report, ³How People Learn,² was de
rigueur in most programs ­ nevertheless, I sensed that folks were searching
for an alternative...

Currently, Iım considering the Cambridge Handbook of the Learning Sciences ­
is there anyone on the list using this and could they share their
experience, suggestions?

For the past three years Iıve been using Driscollıs Psychology of Learning
for Instruction (to give you an idea of the type students Iım working with),
but am now in search of an alternative...for one thing, I think Driscollıs
text might be too focused toward instructional technology; one of my goals
for the restructuring is to attract students from other programs within
education, while also interesting those in HCI and science and technology
studies ­ perhaps, thatıs a bit too broad, but thatıs what I had in mind...

Thanks in advance!

michael a. evans
assistant professor
306 war memorial hall (0313)
department of learning sciences & technologies
school of education
virginia tech  
email: mae@vt.edu
phone: +1 540.231.3743
fax: +1 540.231.9075
xmca mailing list
Received on Fri Apr 11 14:38 PDT 2008

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