Re: [xmca] Antirecapitulationism and the Logical Impossiblity of Social Progress

From: Ed Wall <ewall who-is-at>
Date: Sun Apr 06 2008 - 13:34:07 PDT


    I don't know how helpful this is but Robert de Beaugrande has a
paper which discusses this particular interpretation of Halliday at It seems to be
in Widdowson, H.G. 2000. 'On the limitations of linguistics applied.'
Applied Linguistics 21/1: 3-5 (I don't have access or the paper)
although it is difficult to tell and he notes, I think there, that
Widdowson is referring, for the most part, to the Preface of the 1994
An Introduction to Function Grammar (unfortunately I have the second
    For Vygotsky and Halliday, you might look to Hasan, I think there
is a paper in the MCA Archives.

    Oh, I think you mean Fairclough


>A clarification question, please.
>> I think that's why Halliday, who has an explicitly Vygotskyan conception of
>> consciousness as a form of social being from the get-go,
>I assume you're referring to Halliday's "Learning How to Mean" (1975)? A
>great book, for sure! By an explicitly Vygotskian position do you mean that
>Halliday was citing Vygotsky, or that his position was one very similar to
>Vygotsky's but without direct influence?
>And since I'm in this mode, there's a question I've been wanting to ask
>about a post of yours I saved back in 2006. You said (in a discussion of
>Firewalls [?]):
>" Widdowson complains that Halliday's grammar implies that we can simply
>"read off" meaning from a text, without inspecting the context. You can
>easily see where he gets that impresssion; Halliday tells us, on the very
>first page of the grammar, that this is what his grammar intends to do."
>It would be very helpful for other stuff I'm working on to know the citation
>for Widdowson, and also for Halliday's grammar (On Grammar, 2005?).
>On 4/3/08 6:23 PM, "David Kellogg" <> wrote:
>> I think that's why Halliday, who has an explicitly Vygotskyan conception of
>> consciousness as a form of social being from the get-go
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