Re: [xmca] agency redefined

From: Mike Cole <lchcmike who-is-at>
Date: Sat Mar 15 2008 - 13:28:40 PDT

Hi All--

Those are interesting quotations from ANL, Heidi. I found especially

But this forms only one side of the characterization of psychic reflections;
the other side consists of the fact that psychic reflection, as distinct
from mirror and other forms of passive reflection, is subjective, and this
means that it is not passive, not dead, but active, that into its definition
enters human life and practice, and that it is characterized by the movement
of a constant flow, objective into subjective.
     This is helpful in beating back mirrors as models of human reflection,
and appears to make the distinction between human and non-human actants at
the same time as it directs to a space for thinking about subjectivity
*when combined with the statement that

*It is this feature of relation of the subjective image to reflected reality
that is not included in the relationship "model- modeled." * …
      I am reminded strongly here of the idea from
Korzybski/Bateson/......... that "the map is not the territory." The "map"
in this case becomes a dynamic process, although if it were too dynamic
we could not use it as a tool. It also connects with David Kel reading of
Zazzo mentioned a while back, if I understood david.


On Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 11:01 PM, varnam soupend <>

> Luiz , Bruce , Martin ,
> For the past several nights , I 've not been able to use the Internet ; I
> had , therefore , to put my message in word format and now have to send it
> as an attachment . My apologies for the inconvenience !
> Heidi
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