Re: [xmca] Subject: Verb, Object

From: <ERIC.RAMBERG who-is-at>
Date: Fri Dec 28 2007 - 14:00:15 PST

Andy writes:
The problem comes for me when you have to get "stuck into" this category
> and work out the appropriate way of elaborating the various *forms* of
> activity.

The category of activity is the essence of how
Vygotsky/Luria/Cole/Engstrom/etc. have solved the dilemma in psychology
since the 'crisis' was introduced by LSV in the 1920's. The reintroduction
of Hegel's phenomenology of spirit is indeed brilliant. However, I must
insist if you are to look forward in methodology you must include the
ideographic/nomothetical array for addressing the quagmire associated with
the 'subject' of activity. Psychology is not only culture, society, labor,
economics and politics; it is development, emotions, habilitation,
rehabilitation, habituation, memory, functional and academic skills,
interpersonal and intrapersonal relations, etc. There are other avenues
for studying the ideographic/nomothetical array besides Valsiner (Alfred
Adler comes to mind), please reconsider the importance.


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Received on Fri Dec 28 14:01 PST 2007

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