Re: [xmca] Terms of Endearment

From: Ana Guenthner <anaguenthner who-is-at>
Date: Thu Dec 13 2007 - 07:18:51 PST

Interesting thread.

Growing up in the Philippines and living in the United States, I often have
to switch lenses between cultures. We, Filipinos have nicknames too. Who has
permission to use it would be key. However, Southeast Asians have a tendency
to value unspoken dialogue, we like to call it "intuitive communication" .
The degree of how the eyes gaze or direct someone to a location. Facial
expressions that clue someone on accessibility to participate in an activity
depending on social class. My favorite is when a foreigner speaks the
language fluently but misses the mannerisms that go with it. Better yet,
when you don't know the language and can pretend you do just by using
specific common phrases and local mannerisms. ~AnaG

On 12/13/07, Ana Paula B. R. Cortez <> wrote:
> Dear David (Professor Kellog? Mr Kellog? Mr David?),
> Although being part of western culture as well, we, Brazilians, suffer
> from what we can call " the extreme intimacy syndrome". We never, ever, call
> anyone by their surname.
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Received on Thu Dec 13 07:19 PST 2007

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