First, I should note that "And now for something completely different:" is
a Monty Python line.
Today the Idaho newspaper reports that Five (5) men, in addition to the 3
before, have testified that they either had sexual relations with the
rabidly homophobic Republican Senator Larry Craig or were approached by
him for such relations.
Craig is denying all of this, continuing to assrt: "I am not gay; and I
never have been gay."
Nobody believes that, except him (and maybe his wife, and maybe his kids).
I do believe, however, that on some level, he himself really "believes"
that he's not gay (whatever that might mean).
So I believe that he believes ... But I don't know how to understand that.
Since I'm not a psychologist, I'm not embarassed by this inability to
understand. But xmca is a neighborhood where the psychologists are not a
I'd be interested in hearing from anybody here who has anything to say
about this.
Tony Whitson
UD School of Education
"those who fail to reread
are obliged to read the same story everywhere"
-- Roland Barthes, S/Z (1970)
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